N3/4/5 Esol

ESOL courses are for learners whose first language is not English, to further develop the core literacy skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking.

Students will have varied opportunities to develop personal, interpersonal and team working skills, as well as taking full responsibility for independent learning. The main areas of teaching will enable pupils to:

Understand detailed written and spoken texts in English within familiar Everyday Life (personal, social and transactional) situations.

Produce accurate written English in the more challenging contexts of Work and Study, using adequate vocabulary, spelling, grammatical structures and layout conventions.

Develop confidence maintaining spoken English within assessed conversations by successfully applying: norms of turn-taking, clear support for opinions expressed, tactful interruption and detailed structure with effective pronunciation of specialized vocabulary.


Work for ESOL in S4 will be set by one specific class teacher in a class Team. Work will be set on the day suggested on the timetable here and you will be given ample time to complete the work.

Pupils will be expected to check the Teams page regularly for the posting of lesson tasks and assignments.

Please contact your class teachers if you have any questions about the work set or about working at home.

Contact Teachers:

Mrs I. Tapping (irene.tapping@aberdeenshire.gov.uk)

Mr D. Pavilovicius (darius.pavilovicius@aberdeenshire.gov.uk)

Extension Work:

If you have extra time you would like to spend on something that would help with English, remember that reading is one of the best things you can do. If you have run out of books at home you can access ebooks for free through the Aberdeenshire Libraries app. The site is at the bottom of this page. You should also try to read quality non-fiction regularly, and the easiest way to do this is to find articles from newspapers such as The Scotsman and The Guardian online.

There are excellent resources for N5 and N4 on the BBC Bitesize website, and for N5 pupils Scholar is also very helpful.


