Websites and Helplines

National Websites for Pupils & Parents/Carers

SAMH Website

· Scotland’s national health charity has lots of information and advice on how best to look after your mental wellbeing.

Young Minds

· Tips, advice and guidance on where you can get support for your mental health during the coronavirus pandemic.

Sleep Scotland

· Good sleep patterns are vital for children, teenagers and families to flourish.

Childline Website

· Offers help to anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through. You can talk about anything. Whether it’s big or small, their trained counsellors are available to support you.

Aberdeenshire Helplines

Education Psychology Service - Offering a phone service for parents/carers who would like to talk through any education or wellbeing concerns about a child or young person. If you would prefer EPS to call you, please e-mail with your name and number or call on 01779 403721

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services - KEEP CAMHS AND CARRY ON – CAHMS Grampian is an NHS mental health service for U18s based in Grampian. This podcast series is a psychoeducation 'top tips' collection, recorded by our very own staff, to make managing stress in tough times just that little bit easier.If you're under 18 in Grampian and want to improve your mental health, or are a parent and want to support your child or teen even better, this podcast could be for you!

Live Life Aberdeenshire - Active Schools Aberdeenshire are releasing a weekly challenge on social media on a Monday morning for pupils to take part in and send in their best efforts during the week online. The challenges will vary but include physical activities, quizzes and timed challenges.