Modern Studies Higher


Course overview:

The course consists of three areas of study: Democracy in Scotland and the United Kingdom; Social issues in the United Kingdom; and International issues.

Democracy in the UK and Scotland - Candidates study aspects of the democratic political system in the UK including the place of Scotland within this system. Relevant case studies are used from either Scotland or the UK, or both Scotland and the UK. We cover political participation through pressure groups, the role and function of the House of Commons, Voting Systems and Voting Behaviour

Social Issues in the UK - In the social inequality context, candidates focus on the impact of social inequality on any relevant group. The areas we study are: the causes of wealth inequality; the causes of health inequality; the impact of inequality on certain groups in society; the effectiveness of responses to these inequalities

International Issues – World PowersThe study of a world power focuses on political and socio-economic issues. We study the USA and look at: the political system and checks and balances; socio-economic issues in the USA; political participation in the USA; and the international influence of the USA.


UK Politics - We are finished this part of the course, and pupils should continue to revise and consolidate content from this part of the course.

Social Issues in the UK - We still have to complete impacts on specific groups in society along with responses to inequality.

USA - Still to complete US political system along with political participation

Learning from home

Below is an update on the learning from home schedule for Higher Modern Studies that will be shared with the class. Pupils should continue to work on weekly tasks during timetabled lesson times. Mr Summers will be available at all times during timetabled lessons. Live lessons will take place to support pupils with instructions, provide feedback, and answer any questions. Mr Summers can also be contacted at

If pupils cannot attend live lessons or complete work during the week then please contact Mr Summers for further learning support.

Useful websites: - the course specification, outlining what will be taught in each topic. - the general SQA page for Higher Modern Studies. Here, you can find past papers and their marking schemes plus a specimen paper. - the SQA Understanding Standards page, where you can see examples of pupils' exam papers as well as Assignments, along with details of how they have been marked.