Teams Page Code: dnwlm71

History Higher


General Overview:

  • In Higher History we look at Britain 1851-1951, Germany 1815-1939 & the Scottish Wars of Independence. We develop essay writing skills whilst learning about Britain & Germany, whereas the Scottish section focuses on source handling skills.

  • Britain 1851-1951 focuses on the development of the United Kingdom into a modern democracy and the development of the role of the state in the welfare of its citizens. It has themes of authority, ideology and rights!

  • Germany 1815-1939 focuses on the growth of nationalism in 19th century Germany leading to the overcoming of obstacles to unification of the nation by 1871, and the development of extreme nationalism after 1918. It has themes of nationalism, authority and conflict!

  • The Scottish section focuses on political change and military conflict arising from the Wars of Independence. It has themes of authority, conflict and identity.

Update on coursework from January 20201:

  • Britain 1851-1951 - we have completed our learning for this topic. The class have looked at the reasons why women received the vote in 1918, the effectiveness of the Liberal Reforms 1906-1914, and the impact of the Labour Reforms 1945-51. Revision and continuing to develop essay writing skills for each of these topics is advised.

  • Germany 1915-1939 - the class have covered the reasons for the growth of German nationalism 1815-50 - revision and continuing to develop essay writing skills for this topic is advised. We will next look at the reasons why the Nazis achieved power in 1933 - the class will have new notes to work through and will be asked to produce an essay on this topic from home.

  • Scottish Wars of Independence - we have covered all content for this topic. However, we will be continuing to practice skills questions in order to build confidence and improve the quality of our answers. Practice question booklets have been issued and past paper questions are available online. This will be a key focus this term.

Learning From Home

January 2021 Update:

Below is an update on the learning from home schedule for Higher History that will be shared with the class. Pupils should continue to work on weekly tasks during timetabled lesson times. Miss Cargill will be available at all times during timetabled lessons. Live lessons will take place to support pupils with instructions, provide feedback, and answer any questions. Miss Cargill can also be contacted at

If pupils cannot attend live lessons or complete work during the week then please contact Miss Cargill for further learning support.

Useful textbooks & Websites

Scottish Wars of Independence Revision:

Higher History Past Papers:

Good Examples of Work:

Miss Cargill can be contacted at: - Glow Mail