NPA Exercise and Fitness Leadership

Cardiovascular training

Pupils will begin working through outcome 2 of the cardiovascular training units:

Outcome 2: Explain methods of individualising cardiovascular training for selected clients.

This will involve learning about the concept of training zones related to Maximum Heart Rate, using the Karvonen formula to set individual training zones and exploring the methods of monitoring level of exertion to maximise the effect of cardiovascular training.

This section of the course will be both theory and practical based with pupils required to carry out their own cardiovascular training programme.

free weight training

Pupils will complete Outcome 1 unit assessment and continue then to work through Outcome 2.

Outcome 1: Describe free weight training exercises relating to major muscles.

This section of the course covers work that was done prior to the Christmas break, their will be a recap session followed by a unit assessment. In this outcome we covered the major muscles of the body, muscle contractions and joint actions during free weights training.

Outcome 2: Describe basic physiological effects of free weight training on the body.

This section of the course explores the physiological effects of free weight training on the different systems of the body. Pupils will learn about endurance, strength, and power training and the short- and long-term effect of these on the muscular and skeletal systems. In addition, pupils will learn about the effect of free weights training on the nervous system.

Learning for this part of the course will be a combination of theory and practical. Pupils can access theory work and practical tasks through teams.

additional information

All work will be uploaded on TEAMS (to assignments) or via email. This does not mean all work is theory based, some of the work will be practical and will require a photo/video upload or written summary of activity completed. Pupils are encouraged to contact Miss King or Mr Kennedy if they have any questions relating to tasks or the course.

Teachers will be available during school hours so pupils can email at anytime and a reply will be given within 24 hours.

Pupils are encouraged to continually engage with the material uploaded regarding human anatomy and physiology as this relates to both units of the course.

All PowerPoint slides, information booklets and any other relevant documents will be available on the TEAMS group.

TEAMS MEET will also be introduced this term for live lessons and giving feedback to pupils on work they have submitted.


Course Information.docx
NPA Exercise and Fitness Leadership.pptx