Chemistry Higher

In Higher Chemistry, candidates develop an appreciation of the impact of chemistry on their everyday lives by applying their knowledge and understanding of chemical concepts in practical situations.

The course provides opportunities for candidates to think analytically, creatively and independently, and to make reasoned evaluations.

Pupils are currently on unit 3 – Chemistry in Society.

Topics include:

  • getting the most from reactants

  • controlling the rate

  • chemical energy

  • equilibria

  • chemical analysis

Completing your work:

All classwork will be set on Microsoft Teams.
Your teacher will upload all necessary resources into the 'files' section.

Most of the work that is to be completed will be written work and this should be completed in jotters or on paper and answers checked regularly - if you have an issue with any of the questions set, then contact your class teacher for help and guidance.

A useful website is BBC bitesize:
Additional resource: SCHOLAR - ask your teacher for more details.