Parent Council

What is a parent council?

It’s simply a group of parents/carers and members of the teaching staff, pupils and local community who work together for the benefit of the students at their school. Our PC:

  • Works in partnership with the school to create a welcoming school, which is inclusive for all

  • Promotes partnership between the school, its students and all its parents

  • Develops and engages in activities which support the education and welfare of students

  • Communicates with the Parent Forum using our email account and shares the Minutes of Meetings on the school’s website

  • Identifies and represents the view of parents on all matters affecting the education and welfare of the students

Can I come along to a meeting?

All parents/carers with students at the Academy are very welcome to come along to all Parent Council meetings. They are informal get-togethers and there is only one per term! Come along to find out what’s happening in school and share your views.

Who will be there?

In addition to members of the Parent Council:

  • The Head Teacher is invited along as an Advisor

  • Members of the School Council attend to represent the student view

  • Local Councillors come along to share updates from Council discussions

  • Representatives from the teaching staff may also be there to share recent or planned changes to policies/extra-curricular activities

  • Guests could also be invited along depending upon the items on the Agenda

What do you do?

We work in partnership with representatives of the Academy’s teaching staff and students for the benefit of all students at the school. Any individual concerns should be raised with the Guidance Teachers. We represent the views of the Parent Forum in a variety of ways by:

  • Active involvement in the recruitment of senior staff

  • Participating in the development of school policies

  • Contributing towards the school’s Improvement Plan

  • Discussing the design of the new community campus through membership of the stakeholder group

  • Assisting with extra-curricular activities

  • Organising social and fundraising events

  • Talking about anything of interest to parents/carers