Miss Harpster

Welcome to First Grade!


My name is Ashley Harpster and this is my second year at AAECS! I am so excited to begin this school year and cannot wait to work with each and every child, as well as all families! I strive to connect with all students and want to make all students feel welcomed. We have lots of fun learning to do this year and I hope you are all ready to "take steps to success" with me!

I graduated from Muhlenberg College in 2019 with my BS in Psychology as well as my teaching certification for PreK-6th in the state of Pennsylvania. Currently, I am on track to obtain my MEd by the end of October from Gratz College in Philadelphia.

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me on Jupiter or by email at aharpster@artsacademyecs.org. We are all in this together and I want to help each student be as successful as possible this school year!