Freadom to READ


Banned Books Week is October 1st - October 7th!

Banned Books Slideshow


Banned Books Week is October 1st - October 7th!

Help create a display of Banned Books!

 Look at the list of banned books here (from the American Library Association) or 30 Banned And Challenged Kids Books That Will Make You Feel Terrible About Humanity.  Learn why popular titles like these have been challenged and banned in some communities!

Please READ AND WATCH, then fill-out the Google Form at the bottom and tell me when you are done!

1. Watch the videos!

What is banned books week?

What are we celebrating?

Join the Virtual Read-Out!

2. Help us celebrate BANNED BOOKS by choosing one challenged or banded book to highlight from our library!

You MUST look at the list of banned books here (from the American Library Association) or 30 Banned And Challenged Kids Books That Will Make You Feel Terrible About Humanity. You will need to know why your book was banned in some places!

3. Pick a book that you enjoy and that means something to you.

4. Review that book and record a video to share

That video must include:

Look at the examples from last year on the LEFT!

5. Ready to film?

Fill out this GOOGLE form to make sure you are ready....submit it and we are off to the green screen!

Cael bridge to terabithia
Claire hate u give
Beckett capt underpants
Matt Winnie the Pooh