Alberta Summer Literacy Institute

Hosted by SAPDC, a proud member of ARPDC

It's going to be a great couple of days in August, so register early - spots are limited. We will be updating this website over the next couple of weeks as we are working through the submissions of Alberta and Regional presenters for our Local Offerings Sessions.

The Alberta Summer Literacy Institute came about with two purposes in mind. To bring world renowned ELA educators to speak to Alberta teachers and to serve as an opportunity for Alberta teachers to share what they are doing in their classrooms with one another to start building a network of educators that can support each other and learn and grow together. If you are looking to learn from some of the best in the field of English Language Arts and to make connections with your colleagues around the province this would be a great opportunity.

Please Note: Not all sessions will be available as recordings, at the request of the presenter.

August 10th, 2021

Opening Session ~ 8:30 - 9:45

Indigenous Themes in Writing with David Robertson

Why is representation important, now more than ever? Representations of marginalized groups have an impact in one of two ways: they either influence self-perception, in how someone from a marginalized group sees themselves reflected in a story; or they influence how people see, and treat, those who are different.

In the past, representation of marginalized groups, and specifically Indigenous peoples, was negative. In turn, these representations, and the damaging stereotypes they created, had negative and far-reaching impacts. Today, we’re seeing a movement of positive representation, a vital step on the path to reconciliation. A goal should be to learn about each other, both our past and its impact on the present, from a place of truth. Own Voices books can help us see the world through the eyes of another, and, add context to the world we live in and what we see in that world.

Feature Offerings ~ 10:00 - 11:15

Tools and Processes for Creating More Critical Readers with Jess Lifshitz

One of the best things that we can do to prepare our students to be critical readers out in the world beyond our classroom is to provide them with tools and processes that they can use on a variety of texts in order to help them to better navigate those texts in a responsible way. This session will provide participants with concrete tools to use with students to help them learn to read a variety of texts in a way that allows them to better seek out multiple perspectives and identify missing or inaccurate information.

What's the Point? Designing a More Meaningful Path to Grades with Sarah Zerwin

Readers and writers need a safe classroom to take the risks necessary for growth. Traditional grading that expects teachers to evaluate everything constantly gets in the way. This session will explore the reasons why it matters to find a different path to final grades and a few practical strategies for getting started.

Still We Rise: Using Poetry to Center Healing and Hope in the Elementary Classroom After a Pandemic with Aeriale Johnson

Session Description

Feature Offerings ~ 1:30 - 2:45

English Learners' Voices Come Alive through Identity Texts with Paula Markus

Identity texts are projects created by students that facilitate language learning while at the same time reflecting back students’ identities in a positive light. In this session, you will discover identity text projects from Kindergarten right through high school that will give your English learners’ a voice to express their linguistic and cultural identities, while growing their English skills. Explore the classroom process of imaginative identity text creation with English learners, and experience student-created identity texts in a variety of formats including digital stories, videos, hardcover fiction, and non-fiction books, collages and three-dimensional art constructions, prose and poetry. Students’ voices will also come alive in an online distance learning format as we explore several virtual identity text projects as well.

Ramp Up Your Read Alouds: An Essential Practice in Any Setting with Maria Walther

Join Maria for an inspiring hour of learning as she shares the inner workings of interactive read aloud. Discover a wealth of kid-appealing picture books coupled with mini-lesson ideas. Learn tips for meaningful collaborative conversations that will spark high-level comprehension and joyful writing experiences

Disciplinary Literacy: A View from the Classroom with ReLeah Lent

The literacy paradigm has shifted—again!—but this time the shift makes sense, especially for content-area teachers. The buzz-phrase “reading and writing across the disciplines” has been replaced with the more meaningful term disciplinary literacy: reading, writing, speaking, reasoning, and doing within the disciplines. “Strategies” have morphed into disciplinary tools that deepen student involvement and understanding in all subject areas. When students learn to use literacy in the way experts do, they solve problems, ask questions, make decisions, discuss topics, and develop a depth of knowledge that truly sticks. Join ReLeah Cossett Lent as she offers concrete examples of how teachers and PLCs have transformed teaching and learning through this powerful approach.

Multimodal Craft Moves for Writing Non-Fiction with Angela Stockman

Writing is far more than the use of written words, but in most workshops and classrooms, it's still defined as the production of alphabetic text and print. This may be why so many young writers present as reluctant or resistant. It may be why so many schoolified writers struggle to be of influence in their chosen fields, once they leave the confines of their academic spaces,too. This session will acquaint participants with the history of multimodal composition, the crucial role it must play in the production of information writing, and the practical approaches that even the most wary teachers might use to build and sustain their creativity and comfort here.

August 11th, 2021

feature offerings ~ 8:30 - 9:45

Reading Power Across the Curriculum - how to promote deep thinking in all areas of learning with Adrienne Gear

In this session, BC teacher and author Adrienne Gear will review the key concepts of Reading Power and share ideas on how to develop and nurture a culture of thinking in your classroom. She will then share some practical ways to incorporate deep thinking in different subject areas, including science and social studies. As always, you will walk away with some new lessons and new anchor books!

Reading to Make a Difference with Lester Laminack

Using the 6Ts to Remove the Masks of Disengagement with Cris Tovani

The best reading strategy in the world, won’t help students if they are disengaged. Harnessing the 6Ts: Topic, Targets, Tasks, Texts, Time, and Tending are tools that give students reasons to stay engaged in their reading, writing, and learning. The 6Ts help teachers plan for long-term engagement and pull disengaged students back into the daily learning process. During this breakout session, Cris Tovani will share how she uses the 6Ts to help teachers differentiate for students who need it now more than ever.

Culturally Relevant Pedagogy and Reading Workshop with Dr. Sonja Cherry-Paul

Closing Session ~ 1:30 - 2:45

Cultivating Genius and Joy: Introduction of Culturally and Historically Responsive Education with Dr. Gholdy Muhammad

In this session, the facilitator will engage teachers in unpacking culture. Together, culture will be explored and revisited in deep, multifaceted ways. We will discuss our own cultural identities and approaches to learning the cultures of students. By the end of this session, the teachers will understand culture and engage in a self-identity work.