Building Educational Equity from the Inside Out

About Building Educational Equity 

Building Educational Equity from the Inside Out is focused on building equity and advancing education for reconciliation.

The video, narrated presentation, facilitator guide and learning guides shared on this website provide a self-paced learning opportunity for educators and others interested in building and strengthening their understandings and practice. 

About Implementation  

These Building Educational Equity professional development resources provide guidance on learning to both build educational equity for student achievement and advance education for reconciliation from the inside-out.

Although this work was focused on Indigenous students, much of it is relevant to all minority students and education. You are invited to think about your own personal and educational context as you engage with these resources. 

A Journey from the Inside Out 

The Truth and Reconciliation's Call to Action # 7 states that "we call upon the federal government to develop with Aboriginal groups a joint strategy to eliminate educational and employment gaps between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Canadians." 

This video shares the research and processes involved in addressing barriers to educational equity and working to eliminate educational gaps. The video provides a starting point for considering and reflecting on the impact of this work in Alberta schools and with Alberta students. 

Identifying Equitable Schools

Within equitable schools, four common characteristics can be observed:

If any one of these equity characteristics is missing from an individual student’s experience in school, that student is likely not to succeed.

From Linton, C. (2011). Equity 101: The Equity Framework. California: Corwin, a Sage Company.