Junior School Overview

Learning objectives and expectations that would normally be a focus in your child’s classroom will continue to guide the activities set by the teaching staff in order to create as much stability and congruence as possible.

Off-Campus Learning Guide: The Junior School Off-Campus Learning Guide is a live document prepared weekly and uploaded daily. The guide is prepared weekly to ensure flexibility for families and to ensure there is cohesive planning across the week. Students will be provided with online and offline learning experiences across the following learning areas: English, Mathematics, Movement/Sport, History/Geography, Science, Library, Christian Education, Creative Space and PDH/Wellbeing. The ‘Check In’ tasks for the day may change and adjustments may be made prior to uploading each day.

Routine: At 9.00 am each day, teachers will post on Seesaw details of the activities for the day via the Learning Guide which will include daily communication messages for students / parents, a guide on how long each activity might take and what is required to be submitted each day for teacher feedback. Students are expected to work through their activities at their own pace. Outdoor activities are strongly encouraged as the welfare of our students is of paramount importance.

Technology Platform: Seesaw continues to be our launch platform for student work and upload. Other platforms such Renaissance, Socrative, Mathletics etc may be used as directed by the daily Learning Guide for each year group.