Direct Orthotics

Spira shoes with energy returning springs and a custom pair of Orthotics will provide optimum comfort.


Walking on Urban Terrain (Cement, Asphalt, Tile) creates a tremendous abnormal shock load to the feet creating disease and pain. Flat zero plane floor surfaces adds additional problems for the feet. The foot is designed to interact with variable ground surfaces such as dirt trails, sand, and grass. Using Kinetic Spira Footwear absorbs excessive shock and custom medical grade orthotics controls neutral joint positioning. This winning combination solves this problem 100% of the time. Dr Craig Lowe (ret) - Retired Podiatrist and Functional Biomechanical Specialist

For years, athletic and comfort shoe engineers have been trying to create an exceptional buffer between the foot and the road. Spira® engineers have developed a solution.

An (ERS) Energy Return System works with foot to ground contact by giving expended energy back (94%) to the wearer. This reduces pain and abnormal wear and tear on load bearing joints of the foot, ankle, knee, hip and spine.

It is called WaveSpring® Technology and it is found inside every pair of Spira® athletic walking and running shoes.

Spira Running Shoes

Wavespring Coil Options