Technology Engineering

Welcome to Technology Engineering!

I've created this website to help you better understand Technology Engineering Class.

What is Technology Engineering? Technology Engineering is part of S.T.E.A.M. (Science Technology Engineering and Math). In this class, we will focus on Engineering and Engineering Technology.

Why do we have Technology Engineering? In grade eight, all students in the state of Massachusetts take the Science and Technology Engineering MCAS exam. One quarter of this exam focuses on concepts covered in grade six, seven and eight Technology and Engineering classes. Our curriculum is aligned to state standards and not only prepares students for this exam but provides them with life skills such as: perseverance, problem solving, planning, analytical thinking, and teamwork.

How will this class be graded?

This class is graded out of total points. For example: a written reflection may be worth 10 points. A grade of 10 out of 10 would be a 100%. It is the student's responsibility to regularly check the grade portal and track their progress.

What about homework?

I do not assign homework, however if you are absent and missed an assignment or need to make up work it can be done during W.I.N. at home, or after school.

After School: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.

Student Expectations:

1. Stay at your assigned table

2. Bathroom (sign out and one person at a time)

3. Raise hands and please refrain from interrupting

4. Hands to yourself

5. Clean up after yourself

6. Participate

7. Be Kind

8. Ask Questions