
Next meeting - Talk27 - 20 June, 1.00pm AEST
Tech Talk 27 Service Mesh Overview and Anatomy

Coming up 

Talk 27 - 20 June, 1.00pm AEST - Service Mesh Overview and Anatomy

This presentation explains how a Kubernetes cluster can use a service mesh to abstract the network away, resolving many of the challenges arising from talking to remote endpoints within a Kubernetes cluster. A service mesh is a tool that inserts security, observability, and reliability features to applications at the platform layer instead of the application layer. It controls the delivery of service requests to other services, performs load balancing, encrypts data, and discovers other services. Service mesh is not a network service for establishing connectivity between the microservices,  instead, it has policies and controls that are applied on top of an existing network to govern how microservices interact. (Slides, Video)


Ping Chen, I had the privilege of being a part of the ARDC Nectar core team for approximately two enriching years as senior DevOps engineer based at Monash Clayton campus. Before my tenure at ARDC, I gained valuable experience with various Telecommunication equipment vendors, where I contributed to the development of end-to-end carrier IP/MPLS networks and the establishment of automated, optimized, fault-tolerant on-prem Data Centres to accommodate EMS (Element Management Systems). In these roles, I offered architectural guidance, conducted thorough requirement analyses, crafted specifications, shared technical product insights, and conducted meticulous technical reviews. Within the dynamic realm of Telecommunications, critical thinking and adept problem-solving were indispensable skills. My academic background includes a master’s degree in enterprise architecture and a bachelor’s degree in electronic and communications engineering from Melbourne Uni. 

Service Mesh for Tech Talk.pdf
TT27 - Service Mesh - Ping Chen.mp4

Talk 26 - 24 April, 2.00pm AEST - Techniques and Software Framework for Extracting Metadata from Diverse Data Sources

Like many other kinds of government and research institutions, Australia's geological institutions house datasets for which there is a broad variation in the quality of metadata. This creates challenges for data providers and aggregators trying to maintain a certain standard of FAIR compliance across all their offerings.

For example, when the offering is very poor, more research and manual data entry may be required. For aggregators there is the problem of extracting metadata of a consistent standard from a wide variety of catalogue systems.

This talk will outline a software architecture and techniques that attempt to alleviate the burden of metadata collation and curation. The software is designed to homogenize metadata harvested from a variety of common metadata catalogue applications. For metadata-poor sources, extraction of metadata from associated technical reports using textual analysis and machine learning models is utilised. The limitations and viability of such techniques are discussed. At the end of the transformation process, ISO-compliant metadata records are created which are suitable for importing into a geo-network geospatial catalogue.  (Slides, Video)


Vincent Fazio is a software developer employed by CSIRO Mineral Resources to implement AuScope's future vision for Australian geoscience research. He has worked in a broad range of industries and research areas over the past 20 years including defence, telecommunications, hand-held devices and protein crystallography.  His current interests include: implementing metadata standards, geospatial information systems, displaying 3D geospatial datasets, website development and open source software. 

TT26 Extracting Metadata From Diverse Sources.mp4
Talk 26-Techniques and Software Framework - Metadata - Diverse Sources.pdf

Talk 25 - 22 Feb, 2.00pm AEDT - Clean Air Research Data and Analysis Technology (CARDAT): A Data platform

Reliable data and decision support systems are critical for evidence-based environmental health surveillance and action in response to the climate change crisis. Efforts to acquire and harmonise environmental and health data to assess impacts of the range of environmental change are often inefficient. Analytic tools such as health impact assessment, burden of disease analysis, cost-benefit analysis and economic-energy models are often difficult to link and interpret. With support from NHMRC and ARDC we have developed the CARDAT platform for sharing both 1) data (i.e. health records and environmental exposures) and 2) analyses (i.e. code and models). This seminar will describe the design and implementation of the range of solutions we used to address the issues posed, applying the FAIR criteria to share health and environmental data/analysis, all while safeguarding confidentiality. The recent 'AirHealth' project within ARDC's 'Public Sector to Research Sector Bridges' program demonstrates CARDAT's utility by building collaborative links between key existing resources at the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare and the NHMRC Centre for Safe Air's air pollution modelling.  Research data infrastructure such as CARDAT are urgently needed to enable integrated assessment of health impacts, costs and benefits of adaptation and mitigation interventions to respond to climate change.  (Slides, Video)


Dr Ivan Hanigan PhD, Director, WHO Collaborating Centre for Climate Change and Health Impact Assessment | Faculty of Health Science, Senior Lecturer in Climate Change and Health | School of Population Health

TT25 - Clean Air Research Data and Analysis Technology (CARDAT): A Data platform.pdf
TT25 - Clean Air Research Data Analysis Technology (CARDAT).mp4

 Talk 24 - 30 November, 2.00pm AEDT - Cross-platform GPU programming without the heartburn

Graphics processing units (GPUs) are an important component of high-performance computing and AI infrastructure, as they offer substantially higher performance and efficiency than general CPUs for many scientific workflows. However, programming for GPUs requires close attention to low-level hardware details in order to achieve good performance, while the emergence of HPC-focused GPUs from multiple hardware vendors, each with their own programming languages and APIs, has complicated the programming landscape. This means that porting to a new platform or GPU vendor can require substantial code rewrites, dramatically increasing the costs of software maintenance.

In this talk, I will provide an overview of some recent attempts to overcome this issue in the C++ programming space. I will discuss the current state of vendor-specific programming models, followed by an overview of some promising frameworks for vendor-agnostic development of GPU-accelerated scientific codes in high performance C++. I will compare the ease of use, support for tooling and performance of the Kokkos, SYCL and OpenMP programming models and discuss lessons learned from my time developing high-performance, GPU-accelerated molecular dynamics applications. Finally, I will discuss the implications of the changing GPU landscape for the long-term sustainability of scientific software. (Slides, Video)


Dr Emily Kahl is a research software engineer at the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN) at the University of Queensland. Emily develops and maintains software for molecular simulation, with a specific focus on GPU-accelerated computing and machine learning methods in quantum chemistry. She is also an advocate for open-source software in computational science, and code she has developed for atomic and molecular physics has seen widespread use by Australian and international researchers.

Tech Talk 24 - KokkosSYCL.pdf
TT24-GPU programming.mp4

 Talk 23 - 26 October, 2.00pm AEDT - Galaxy - Linking User Needs to Distributed Computing Through the Total Perspective Vortex

The Galaxy Project and the national Galaxy Australia service make performing data driven analytics easy, by providing a simple GUI interface to users. Behind the scenes, the Galaxy Australia compute infrastructure is geographically distributed across a number of national cloud services. A user’s choice of tool and data is passed through a decision tree to ensure that the job is appropriately resourced and balances the needs of job turnaround time, throughput and overall efficiency. This is the work of the Total Perspective Vortex (TPV), a Galaxy plugin which provides a domain-agnostic design that is adaptable to other complex resource management systems. (Slides, Video)


    Gareth Price is Product Owner of Galaxy Australia, a life science tools and data analysis service ( Gareth has 20+ years’ experience as a Bioinformatician and Genomics Scientist. His expertise spans from early printed microarrays, to cartridge based GeneChips through to multiple Next Gen platforms. His work also involved a variety of model organisms from microorganisms, fruit flies, mice to humans as well as non-model organisms with limited genome information.

    Dr. Nuwan Goonasekera is a research fellow at the University of Melbourne and a developer for Galaxy Australia, a life science tools and data analysis service ( Nuwan has worked on applying cloud computing technologies to the biomedical research domain since the inception of the ARDC NeCTAR Research Cloud, and has worked extensively on cloud portability and dynamically scalable infrastructure on the cloud.

TT23 Galaxy - linking user needs to distributed computing through the Total Perspective Vortex.pdf
TT23 Galaxy - Linking User Needs to Distributed Computing through TPV.mp4

 Talk 22 - 24 August, 2.00pm AEST - Knowledge Graphs and Property Graphs

In this Tech Talk, Dr Car will provide a summary of NoSQL and explain the concepts of Graphs, Property Graphs and Labelled Property Graphs. He will then explain and relate the concept of Knowledge Graphs. Example technologies that implement these concepts will be covered, including Neo4J, ArcGIS Pro Knowledge, and Apache Jena Fuseki. He will conclude with some lessons learned from working in this space, and provide some key advice for those looking to explore Property Graphs and Knowledge Graphs. (Slides, Video)


Dr Nicholas Car is a data standards and Semantic Web specialist working in a small Australia tech company and also as an Adjunct at the ANU. He worked as a researcher at CSIRO for almost 15 years as well as a Data Architect at Geoscience Australia, managing some of their data holdings and aiming at multi-system interoperability. He contributes to W3C and OGC  standards and currently co-chairs the Australian Government Linked Data Working Group

TT22- 2023-08 - KGs v PGs.pdf
Talk 22 - 24 August 2023 - Knowledge Graphs and Property Graphs.mp4

Talk 21 - 29 June 23, 2.00pm AEST - The Next Generation of Scientific Computing at the Australian Synchrotron

The Australian Synchrotron is a division within ANSTO and one of Australia’s premier research facilities. It produces powerful beams of light that are used to conduct research in many important areas including health and medical, food, environment, biotechnology, nanotechnology, energy, mining, agriculture, advanced materials, and cultural heritage.

After 15 years of uninterrupted operation with the original 10 experimental end stations, called beamlines, the Australian Synchrotron is currently entering an exciting new phase with the addition of 8 new beamlines. This created an opportunity for the Scientific Computing team to redesign the whole software stack from the ground up.

This presentation will take you on a journey of Scientific Computing at the Australian Synchrotron. You will learn how we employ modern, industry standard tools and architectures in a research environment in order to handle the large data throughput of modern detectors and provide the robustness our users expect from us. A particular focus will be on our use of cloud technologies, running on-premises, across our whole stack from hardware control to data processing on GPUs. (video, slides)


Andreas' computer journey started back in the day with game classics such as "Sam & Max Hit the Road" and "Command & Conquer". From these games Andreas quickly branched out into other fields such as programming, computer music and 3D modelling. Over the following years he focused his interests on software engineering, which came in handy during his studies of physics. Andreas completed his studies with a PhD in experimental particle physics during which he developed a new data processing framework for the Belle II detector in Japan. Andreas has been working at the Australian Synchrotron in various roles for the past 10 years, developing scientific software and infrastructure. Since 2017 he is the manager of the Scientific Computing team at the Australian Synchrotron.

TT21 - Andreas Moll.mp4
TT21 - Andreas Moll.pdf

Talk 20 - 26 April 23, 2.00pm AEST - Zero to Dev: How LAMMPS Gets Academics Coding in C++

LAMMPS is a molecular dynamics software package which, uniquely, has large chunks of contributed code written (often obviously) by academics who aren't necessarily top-notch coders (like myself!), and that's what I would explore in the talk. LAMMPS has set up a strong internal framework of classes that help academics start writing or modifying code with relatively little C++ knowledge. I can also talk about a package I recently developed with international collaborators which has been accepted into the source code and discuss some of the challenges and lessons from collaborating long-distance over coding and getting recognition for scientific coding (and the consequences when scientists aren't recognised). (Slides 1)


Contact: s.tee -at- - Shern Tee is a postdoc at the Australian Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, University of Queensland, where he works on constant potential methods for molecular dynamics simulations of electrode-electrolyte nano-interfaces. Shern is also an excited advocate for research software engineering as a vital role in modern science -- whenever he's not busy with church, funky jazz, or two young and sleepless children.  

TT20 trimmed.mp4

Talk 19 - 23 Feb 23, 2.00pm AEDT - Data in the Time of Covid - Sources, Linkage, and Pipelines at the Victorian Department of Health

Who would have predicted that a global pandemic would supercharge health data analysis?  All the technical factors necessary for a flourishing of data ecosystems were present in 2019, but they were mired in conventional ways of working and institutional inertia.  Covid tore through those barriers, leading to the current data landscape, barely recognizable from the time before.  This talk will describe that transition at the Victorian Department of Health, focusing on the use of data pipelines using R and the targets package (Slides 1)


TT19 DennisWollersheim.pptx

Talk 18 - 22 Nov 22, 1.00pm AEDT - Containers for Scientific Software Distribution Service including security scanning and CVMFS

Installing scientific software on HPC often requires substantial amounts of work. In this Tech Talk we would like to get input from the community on our idea for a community-led system that makes building and distributing scientific software more sustainable. Our goal is to collect container recipes in a GitHub repository, containers are then automatically built and tested and pushed to a container registry. The containers are security rated and HPC admins can select which container subset they would like to offer to their users. The software containers will be available via a national CVMFS server infrastructure. (Slides 1, Slides 2  | Video 1, Video 2)


TT22-18-1 SteffenBollmann.mp4
TT22-18-2 AudreyStott.mp4

Talk 17 - 11 Oct 2022, 12.00noon AEDT - TileDB Cloud; Bringing data, scientists and users together and enabling computational accessibility

Software as a Service is a practical and affordable option for executing data science projects. National Seabed Mapping's experience with TileDB has streamlined project resourcing hurdles, allowing the team to achieve large-scale processing and scientific computing outcomes helping us to drive change within the marine community.
More: (Slides | Video)


Most of Josh's work at GA has revolved around QA/QC, algorithmic and data pipeline development for processing the petabytes of satellite imagery within GA's collections.

ContactJoshua.Sixsmith -at-


Talk 16 - 25 August 22, 2.00pm AEST - Making AuScope's Portal Play FAIR

In this talk I will describe the steps being taken to improve the conformance of the datasets displayed on AuScope Portal to the FAIR Data Principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). This spans a range of actions including:

(1) augmenting the display of metadata on the Portal, (2) upgrading geonetwork records to a newer standard and (3) maintaining a high standard of metadata in a geonetwork catalogue while minimising the maintenance burden. (Slides | Video)



Talk 15 - 6 July 2022, 11.00am AEST - ARDC's Interactive Analytics project (inc Jupyter)

ARDC's Interactive Analytics project was created to provide Virtual Desktop and JupyterHub services to Australian researchers. The service will give researchers easier access to higher-level tools without the complexity of deploying it themselves. This tech talk will give a demo of the Virtual Desktop service, and briefly discuss the progress of the JupyterHub service. (Slides | Chat | Video below)


Andy is Technical Lead in the Core Services team working on ARDC's Nectar Research Cloud.

Contact: andy.botting -at-

TT22-15-ARDC's Interactive Analytics project (inc Jupyter)Botting.pdf

Talk 14 - 26 May 2022, 12.30pm AEST - Implementing the OHDSI OMOP Common Data Model for Medical Research 

The Common Data Model allows data consolidation of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) from diverse hospital and GP sources, enhancing research breadth. The Observational Health Data Science and Informatics, Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership common data model (OHDSI OMOP or OMOP) has a very large international community working towards open source research tools and capabilities. The ARDC is investing to accelerate research in the medical domain through the conversion of key hospital and general practice EMR datasets to this model, through an EMR to OMOP public sector bridges project. In this talk, we shall present the rationale for converting data to this model and the challenges and lessons learnt in converting datasets to this model. Project DOI:10.47486/PS014 | (Slides | Video below)


Prof Boyle is a founding lead of the Australian Health Research Alliance, Transformational Data Collaboration (AHRA TDC) working towards health data quality, terminology standardisation and common data model implementation for Australia. Prof Boyle is leading an ARDC project to advance convergence of the OHDSI OMOP common data model.
Contact dboyle -at-


Talk 13 - 30 March 2022 - Neurodesk and Neurodesktop: Software containers and CVMFS for low-maintenance, application-rich and FAIR desktop environment on PC, cloud or HPC.

NeuroDesk is a container-based yet user-friendly general scientific platform (currently tailored for the neuroscience community) that can accommodate any combination of publicly available and custom Linux applications, each packaged in its own Singularity container and distributed via CVMFS. To be able to run Neurodesk directly on a user PC, we built a lightweight Docker container, Neurodesktop, that incorporates a complete desktop, can be easily installed, and uses a standard web browser for its front end. Other than facilitating interactive analysis, Neurodesk and Neurodesktop together provide a very low entry barrier solution that enables users to build, use and share analysis pipelines without needing to master container development, and to migrate the pipelines to HPC with minimal effort. General questions to: (Slides and video)


Neurodesk and Neurodesktop: Software containers and CVMFS for low-maintenance, application-rich and FAIR desktop environment on PC, cloud or HPC

Talk 12 - 3 March 2022 - HPC Workflow Orchestration on Apache Airflow.

Airflow is a workflow orchestration tool that allows us to develop, schedule and run our numerical models. In this presentation I will present on how we use Airflow to conduct our Science, and some of the lessons we have learnt throughout our Airflow journey. (Slides and video).



Talk 11 - 22 Feb 2022 - Open Source Library Vignettes

It is a truism that Open Source software libraries come in many different flavours. In our AuScope projects we have accumulated a diverse collection of open source software library projects and we would like to share with you our experiences in creating and managing them. We will cover topics such as maintenance issues, suitability of software platforms, code separation and managing different kinds of user groups. (Slides and video).



Talk 10 - 9 November 2021 - DReSA: challenges of adapting a web app to the Australasian context

This talks will discuss challenges encountered in building DReSA, which included - learning another language and web application framework (Ruby on Rails), abstracting the UI text, localisation and i18n, connecting to AAF and Tuakiri, deploying an open-source development workflow, and the biggest challenge that we encountered. (Slides | Video )



Talk 9 - 25 October 2021 - CILogon: Integrated Identity and Access Management Platform

"CILogon enables researchers to log on to cyberinfrastructure (CI) by providing an integrated open source identity and access management platform for research collaborations, combining federated identity management (Shibboleth, InCommon) with collaborative organization management (COmanage). Federated identity management enables researchers to use their home organization identities to access research applications, rather than requiring yet another username and password to log on. Collaborative organization management enables research projects to define user groups for authorization to platforms." 


Talk 9 - 25 October 2021 - CILogon: Integrated Identity and Access Management Platform

"CILogon enables researchers to log on to cyberinfrastructure (CI) by providing an integrated open source identity and access management platform for research collaborations, combining federated identity management (Shibboleth, InCommon) with collaborative organization management (COmanage). Federated identity management enables researchers to use their home organization identities to access research applications, rather than requiring yet another username and password to log on. Collaborative organization management enables research projects to define user groups for authorization to platforms." 


CILogon presentation - Youtube  | Full Video (see below)

ARDC Prtesentation - CILogon.mp4

  Talk 8 - 3 September 2021 - Scalable Data Processing on Nectar using Apache Airflow

In this webinar, we demonstrate how to create distributed workers and micro services on Nectar using Apache Airflow technology. We have used Airflow to enable Data CO-OP capability in analysis and synthesising big datasets. This work is funded by ARC Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities grant for the project "Data Co-operative Platform for Social Impact and Wellbeing", an infrastructure project across Swinburne, Griffith, ANU, Melbourne and UTAS.



Video of Talk 8 (03.09.21) - Amir Aryani, Jan Hettenhausen, Duong Nhu, Swinburne SoDA Lab, Griffith.

Talk 7 - 26 August 2021 - Container Orchestration Experiences

Abstract: Setting up a High-Availability Kubernetes cluster from scratch is “hard”, hence the popularity of public cloud providers, that do all the hard lifting for you.  In this talk, I will present our AusSRC experiences setting up production-grade Kubernetes on several private and academic cloud facilities, including pitfalls and learning curves and what we would do differently.

Gordon German, Software Research Engineer, CSIRO AusSRC - Square Kilometer Array (SKA) Regional Centre Australia
Dr Gordon German is a software engineer at CSIRO Space & Astronomy, working on AusSRC software pipelines for radio astronomy data post-processsing. He has 20+ years experience in both Linux and Windows HPC systems and is currently looking at container technologies for AusSRC. (Slides)


Video of Talk 7 (17.06.21) - Gordon German, Software Research Engineer, CSIRO AusSRC.

Talk 6 - 17 June 2021 - CI/CD - Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment

CI (Continuous Integration) and CD (Continuous Deployment) offer software development teams enhanced services for making code changes more easily and reliably. In Tech Talk 6, we hear how two teams do their flavour of CI / CD. See Slides below.



Slides of Talk 6


Video of Talk 6 (17.06.21) - James Tocknell, Software Developer/Data Scientist, Macquarie AAO


Video of Talk 6 (17.06.21) - James Dempsey, Senior Software Developer, CASDA, CSIRO

Talk 5 - 13 May 2021 (10.00am AEST) - Open Source Web GL Frameworks (Data Science Week)

The good, the bad and the ugly of open source 3D WebGL frameworks for data-driven geospatial applications

Abstract: The days of displaying just points on a pretty map in a web browser are fading fast. These days many web frameworks have interesting new capabilities. This includes the ability to display underground features, point cloud data and vector graphics all in 3D. In this talk I will outline the capabilities of the current crop of open source frameworks and explore their strengths and weaknesses when used to display geospatial datasets in 3D.

Vincent Fazio, Senior Software Engineer, CSIRO Mineral Resources - see slides below. VIDEO
Contact: - Vincent Fazio is a software developer with a broad range of interests including: web development frameworks, WebGL libraries and displaying geospatial datasets.


Slides of Talk 5


Video of Talk 5 - 13 May 2021 - Vincent Fazio - Web GL

Talk 4 - 15 Apr 2021 - Platforms for Sensitive Data Analysis -  Slides | Chat | Video now available and see below.

The purpose of this workshop is for developers to share experiences and learn from each other the particular problems, solutions, technical challenges and architectural decisions that have been made in their projects in order to address the unique needs of developing this type of platform.  Slides | Chat | Videos now available and see below plus Intro | Discussion.

Platforms: Speakers - Org: (see 8 Bios below Platform Descriptions)

AIS - Ryan Sullivan (U Sydney)

Ryan is the product manager for characterization research technology at the University of Sydney and head of the Australian Imaging Service. He has a background in microscopy and neural implant fabrication.


AIS - Fang Xu (U Sydney)

Fang Xu is the senior Devops engineer who co-designs, builds and supports Sydney University's research IT infrastructure including XNAT, CTP and Omero. Fang has a background in software development and system administration in both on-premise and cloud environments. 


AIS - Chris Albone (U Sydney)

Christopher Albone is an enterprise architect at the University of Sydney. His areas of focus include research administration and research technology. He has long been involved in the implementation of XNAT and related systems at the University

SeRP - Jerico Revote (Monash)

Jerico is the lead Research Devops Systems Engineer at Monash eResearch Centre, Monash University. He has led the technical deployment of Monash SeRP in partnership with Swansea University. Jerico is also leading the technical devops for the ARDC Secure eResearch Platform project.

SeRP - Anitha Kannan (Monash)

Anitha is the Director, Research Platform Data Strategy in the Office of the Senior Vice-Provost and Vice-Provost (Research) at Monash University. 

She is leading the ARDC Secure eResearch Platform project that will deploy and run the SeRP software stack as a managed, nationally consistent service via deployments and multi-tenancy arrangements at Monash eResearch Centre, Monash University. 

SDE - Amr Hassan (Monash)

Amr Hassan is the Delivery leader for Technology Services and eResearch at Monash University. He leads the infrastructure platforms team at eSolutions. He holds an interdisciplinary PhD in Computational Sciences, an M.Sc in Scientific Computing, and a B.Sc. in Computer Science.

ERICA - Tim Churches (UNSW)

Tim Churches is a medically-trained epidemiologist and health data scientist, with nearly three decades of experience in designing and implementing large-scale public health and clinical research data systems, including the SURE secure data analysis facility at the Sax Institute. He is the co-founder of the ERICA project.

AARNet - Rob Pocklington

Rob is Senior Developer for AARNet's sensitive data platform.

AARNet - Frankie Stevens

Frankie is AARNet Associate Director, eResearch. She has 20 years experience in higher education / research, and is a former cancer researcher.

Talk 3 - 25 Feb 2021 - Virtual Desktop Infrastructure

Unimelb Researcher Desktops
The Researcher Desktop was designed to alleviate the burden of creating and managing virtual machines in the Melbourne Research Cloud (MRC).  Researchers access the service with their existing credentials and the desktops come preinstalled with the most common research tools and the users’ OneDrive premounted.  By using the same image installed on the University’s managed computers to create the Researcher Desktops, users are presented with a familiar interface and the desktops can be supported through the Service Centre.  By removing the complexity associated with the IaaS approach, practically no training is required for researchers to start using the service.

Bernard Meade, Head of Research Applications and Service Integration, Research Computing Services , University of Melbourne - Bernard and his team develops and supports services that improve accessibility, ease of use and management of research focussed IT platforms provided by the Research Computing Services group.

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure at MASSIVE.
This talk will discuss the advantages, limitations and architecture of building serverless web applications in the research domain. Further, this talk will explore 2 existing research web applications Data Mosaic and Geophysical Processing Toolkit, how they take advantage of serverless technologies and the reasoning behind the architecture. Subscribe to get access to the Zoom meeting.

Jafar Lie, Research Devops Systems Engineer, Monash eResearch CentreJafar is an HPC DevOps Engineer, powered mainly by caffeine. He can often be found on the #HPC slack while working on containerising stuff. 

Chris Hines, Senior HPC Consultant, Monash - Chris is an itinerant sys-admin, programmer and HPC consultant, with long experience in the Australian eResearch sector, who uses his skills wherever the needs of Monash University research require. His physics background means he solves problems reductively, approximating cows as spheres, to simplify the maths.

Slides - Unimelb | Monash and see videos below. Intro Video (2 mins)

20/Talk 3: Uni Melbourne Researcher Desktops: Bernard Meade


20/Talk 3: Monash Desktop Infrastructure at MASSIVE Speakers: Chris Hines, Jafar Lie


Talk 2 - 3 Dec 2020

Building Serverless Web Applications for Researchers.
This talk will discuss the advantages, limitations and architecture of building serverless web applications in the research domain. Further, this talk will explore 2 existing research web applications Data Mosaic and Geophysical Processing Toolkit, how they take advantage of serverless technologies and the reasoning behind the architecture. Subscribe to get access to the Zoom meeting.

Sam Bradley CSIRO - A software engineer and full stack developer working in the CSIRO Mineral Resources Business Unit for the last 2 years. Sam has 12  years of experience delivering all types of software projects from production web applications to experimental scientific prototypes. Slides.

TT2020:2-Bradley-serverless - tech talk.pptx

Talk 20/1

8 Oct Tech Talk
New Infrastructure and Services for the Nectar Research Cloud.  
now available (below). Video available.

This talk will provide details of new projects to enhance the ARDC's Nectar Research Cloud including an infrastructure refresh, GPU and high memory servers to support ARDC Platforms projects, integrating capacity from commercial clouds, container orchestration services, and an interactive data analytics platform.

More: This presentation will provide an overview and some technical details of new projects to expand the ARDC's Nectar Research Cloud infrastructure and services in 2020/21. A major refresh of the Nectar Research Cloud infrastructure is underway that is expected to be completed by the end of 2020. Additional infrastructure investment in 2021 will prioritise the requirements of the ARDC Platforms projects and the provision of high-end cloud infrastructure including GPUs and high memory servers. Other projects include the development of container orchestration services, exploring integration with commercial cloud, and developing an interactive data analytics platform to provide easier access to tools such as Jupyter and R Studio.

Paul Coddington, Sam Morrison, Andy Botting, Kieran Spear, Jake Yip - ARDC Core Services team.


Past Meetings

Tech Talk previously ran 2016 - 2019 - see details at Meetup.

Talk 9 - 25 October 2021 - CILogon: Integrated Identity and Access Management Platform

"CILogon enables researchers to log on to cyberinfrastructure (CI) by providing an integrated open source identity and access management platform for research collaborations, combining federated identity management (Shibboleth, InCommon) with collaborative organization management (COmanage). Federated identity management enables researchers to use their home organization identities to access research applications, rather than requiring yet another username and password to log on. Collaborative organization management enables research projects to define user groups for authorization to platforms." 
