Australian Research Container Orchestration Services (ARCOS)

About ARCOS 

Australian Research Container Orchestration Services (ARCOS) is a community, driven by various national institutions with the aim of establishing a national Kubernetes service and promoting use of containers in research. After rigorous community consultation, the group has released the first draft of "A National View of Containers and Kubernetes in Research". The key findings of the consultations were the opportunities and challenges in the Australian research sector stated as follows: 



How can software containers help your research?

ARCOS Symposium 2024

Join us for an one-day event ARCOS Symposium 2024 on 27 June 2024. The in-person and online gathers of ARCOS members and other interested parties together to facilitate community building, discuss group use cases in more detail and to learn about the solutions and services being implemented.  

The ARDC invites you to participate in discussions and help us develop national research capabilities in building reproducible and scalable digital research outputs using containers and Kubernetes. 

Who should attend?

Current ARCOS members as well as anyone within the Australian research sector developing Kubernetes and container solutions. Research sector professionals working on Cloud Computing, High performance Compute (HPC), Data Analytics/ Informatics and research software. 


The Approach

ARCOS intends to address the opportunities and challenges by employing a four tier approach as outlined in the infographic. Firstly, by building a community with an aim to raise awareness, engage national research institutions and foster collaborations. Secondly, by promoting best practices through training of research software engineers, adoption of current practices and by creation of reference implementation. Thirdly, by providing user support, where trained experts and champions support the research software community. Finally, providing user experience by holding regular events, training and national community meetings. 

The details of consultation and briefing can be found in - Slides, Video, Paper

Join Us

Participating Organisations

Contact Us 

Send an email to if you have any further questions.