Patricia Finnerty

  • Evaluation for elementary and secondary.

I am a certified Quebec teacher who has been teaching English and English as a second language for 25 years. I have a bachelor’s degree in Education from McGill University. When I am not teaching, I am tutoring, mentoring, blogging and writing learning material for mystudents. Some of my pastimes are taking care of my family, walking and doing all kinds of art.

My evaluation Process:

The evaluation is an interview through a video conference/online video phone call with the parent(s), the child and anyone else who has participated in the child’s education is invited. The child is encouraged to participate as much as possible during the interview.

During the interview, the child and parent(s) explain their homeschooling setting and present their learning portfolio for the year. The learning portfolio contains the educational goals achieved for the year. The learning activities can be the books read: books can be divided up by subject, like History, Geography or by style such as fiction or non-fiction. Other activities are the games played, documentaries watched, You Tube vlogs followed and for which subject/topic, projects, excursions and physical exercise/activities done. Include personal achievements based on the child’s and the parent’s personal goals in homeschooling.

The goal of the evaluation is to establish if the child is progressing based on the learning objectives and the mid-term progress report. Following the interview, the parent will receive a qualitative assessment of the child’s learning progression for each learning area.

Parents must provide:

  • the learning project for the year

  • mid-term progress report

For each learning area:

  • traces of learning activities: refer to the learning process for examples of learning activities.

Please ensure that the evaluator has access to the traces of learning activities for each learning area in order to complete the evaluation.