Common Registration Errors & What To Do About Them

Getting a red X when you try to add classes to your schedule? Read the error message next to the X, and then find it below to see what you will need to do to add the class.

Instructor Consent Required

This means that enrolling in this class requires instructor approval. Contact the professor for a permission code. Add the course within 24 hours because your permission code will expire.

Department Consent Required

This means that enrolling in this class requires department approval. Contact the department for a permission code. Add the course within 24 hours because your permission code will expire.

Class is full

This means there are no available spots in this class. If you would like to add yourself to the wait list be sure to select "Yes" under "Wait list if class is full". Use the swap tool to add yourself to the wait list if the wait listed class exceeds the amount of units that you are eligible to take or conflicts with a class that you are currently enrolled in.

Unable to add the class - requisites have not been met

This means there is one or more classes that you must take before you can take this one. You can see the list of prerequisites in the class description. Contact the department if you have questions about the prerequisites.

Related class component required

To add this class you need to add the related class, which is most likely a lab, discussion, or practicum. Find the section that works in your schedule and include it as a related class, then enroll again.

Hold on account

A hold on your account is blocking your registration. Select "Holds" on to see your hold(s). Select each hold for more information, including how to clear it.