Student Spotlight

BSW Scholarship 2022 Awardee

Joni Eareckson Tada Scholarship

Lexi Hurtado

Raeann’s application essay demonstrated her passion and commitment to work with persons with disabilities and will complete an internship next year in that area. 

MSW Scholarship 2023 Awardees

Congratulations to Jaqueline Platas Lopez, MSW Candidate '24, for receiving the The Association of Latina and Latino Social Work Educators (ALLSWE) $1,000 scholarship!

Hannah Hernandez, MSW Candidate '24, has been selected to receive the 2023 Department of Social Work, MSW Program Samantha Quintanar Memorial Top Macro Student Award and received $1,000.

Congratulations to Andria Reta, MSW Candidate '24, for being accepted to the CSWE Minority Fellowship Program, including a $10,000 award. 

BSW Scholarship 2022 Awardee

Joni Eareckson Tada Scholarship

Raeann Schaffer 

Raeann’s application essay demonstrated her passion and commitment to work with persons with disabilities and will complete an internship next year in that area. 

Full-Time Cohort Co-Awardees

Ryan McCune (left) & Toni Gott (right)

Part-Time Cohort Co-Awardees

Ricardo Narvaez

MSW Macro 2021 Awardees

Congratulations to our 2021 Department of Social Work, MSW Program Samantha Quintanar Memorial Top Macro Student Awardees. This faculty-nominated award is presented to Community Leadership & Program Administration Specialization students, who have demonstrated excellence in their Generalist Foundation academic coursework and field work, display a high level of professionalism, and hold an understanding and application of macro social work practice skills.

BSW Scholarship 2021 Awardees

The Department thanks our generous alumni donors, Danielle Patterson and Psalms Rojas, who have made these awards possible. If you would like to contribute to these awards, start your own or contribute to the scholarship fund, please contact the Department of Social Work at

Patterson Resiliency Scholarship

Kaylee Curless (top)

Kaylee demonstrated resilience in overcoming life challenges and is committed to making a difference in the field of social work.

Rojas Family Paga-Asa Scholarship

Jardin Tarvin Abu-Bekr (middle)

This scholarship is awarded as an encouragement to a first-generation student, who demonstrated a strong commitment and ability to be a difference-maker in the social work field.

Joni Eareckson Tada Scholarship

Andria Stichter (bottom)

Andria's application essay demonstrated her passion and commitment to work with persons with disabilities. She will complete an internship next year in that area.

BSW Graduate 2021 Awardees


Gabrielle Osborn (top left)


William (Kyle) Patterson (top right)


Taylor Nicholson (middle left)

Liliana Iberri (middle right)


Tatyahna Costello (bottom)

MSW Graduate 2021 Awardees


Janet Carrillo (FT/top left) 

Stephanie Lomeli (AS/top right)

Carmen Navarrete (PT/middle left) 

Yadira Rincon (Honorary Most Inspirational/middle)


Vicki Avila (FT/middle right)

Rosemary Baraja (PT/bottom left)

Alexandria Swanson (AS/bottom right)

Full Time (FT; Part-Time (PT)

Advanced Standing (AS)

MSW Capstone 2021 Awardees

1st Place

Serena Lee (FT/top left) 

"Utilizing ACE’s Research to Inform a Trauma Psychoeducation Group for Transitional Aged Youth"

Alissa Fernandez (PT/top right)

"Improving Intern Confidence and Knowledge to Provide Online Interventions for Depression and Anxiety"

2nd Place

Esther Rha (FT/not pictured)

"Clinician Satisfaction on Client Engagement: Assessing a Virtual Therapeutic Platform"

Rosemary Baraja (PT/middle right)

"Pathway of Hope: Building Case Management Skills for Faith Based Organizations"

3rd Place

Gabriela Vargas (FT/middle left)

"Si Se Planta! A Research Narrative Connecting Latina Older Adults and Plants"

Carla Sandoval (PT/bottom)

"Psychoeducation for Parents to Support Their Adolescent in an Intensive Outpatient Program"

*FT= Full Time

PT= Part Time

BSW Student Research 2021 Awardees

Baccalaureate Program Directors (BPD)

All eight of the Advanced Research classes, taught by Dr. Anu Jacob, were accepted to present their research posters at the Annual Baccalaureate Program Directors (BPD) conference, held at the University of Memphis in April. 

First place - William (Kyle) Patterson (top)

“Exploring school social workers' perspectives on learning needs of special education elementary school children during the pandemic."


Second place - Kylie Guiking (middle)

“Exploring church staff knowledge of trauma and trauma-informed care.”


Honorable mention - Tatyahna Costello (bottom)

for her abstract submission for the 2021 Posters on the Hill event sponsored by the Council on Undergraduate Research

University of Memphis Research Poster Awards

1st Place - Breanna Murguia (top left)

2nd Place - Kylie Guiking (top right)

Honorable Mention - Delaney Von Iderstein (bottom left)

Honorable Mention - Dominique Hernandez (bottom right)

BSW Research Poster Awards

1st Place -

Nicole Rimac (top)

Chronic Absenteeism Among Elementary Schoolers During COVID-19: Parents’ Perceived Barriers to Attendance

2nd Place -

Gabrielle Osborn (middle left) & Rachael Kinoshita (middle right)

Staff Perspectives on COVID-19’s Impact on Domestic Violence Shelters in L.A. County

3rd Place -

Bailee Cameron (bottom)

Relapse Post-Treatment: Comparing Court-Mandated and Self-Referred Adult Patients

Carmen Navarrete Benavides, MSW '21

President, MSWSA

APU Social Work has been my main focus during the last four years. As I prepare to become a well-rounded educated social worker, I am serving my fellow colleagues as the MSW Student Association (MSWSA), 2020-2021 president. I strongly believe in the importance of working together, especially during these times of uncertainty, and embracing the opportunities to learn something new. As social workers in the making, I encourage engagement between the board members and any community connection. MSWSA is a student-run organization dedicated to promoting academic, professional, and personal growth for all APU students. It promotes student involvement and unity among cohorts through participation in various events. As president of this dedicated board, I find it motivating to lead a bright team, filled with ideas to serve our students and community to the best of their ability. This year led to our learning experience changing drastically, but we’re able to appreciate the small details in our everyday tasks. The collective effort contributes to making the most of this unique school year, trying our best to have MSWSA represent our school mission with pride and unity between students and facility.

Note: Carmen welcomes questions or comments at

Maria Fortuna, MSW '23

Association of Latina/Latino Social Work Educators (ALLSWE) Scholarship

Congratulations on being named a recipient of the Association of Latina/Latino Social Work Educators (ALLSWE) $1,000 scholarship! The award is based on her leadership in the social work context and aspiration for a career of excellence.

Dawn Spencer, MSW '23

"My Experience in the Inland Empire Program"

I was working at the Keys Nonprofit in San Bernardino and attended an MSW preceptor training for the first time on the Azusa campus. I heard they wanted to prepare excellent social workers, who are supported in learning and as people. They wanted us, as the placement sites, to give the same excellence and support to their students. I knew then that APU could teach me how to take my God-given talents and use them for Him in social work.

When I started the program last fall, I did a lot of reading in my first three classes as a new graduate student. I learned to connect my purpose as a person with God’s purpose for me, and to deliver social work services from an informed perspective. For example, we get to engage in a lot of conversations in class about many different social issues. We get to hash them out and learn how to apply what we are learning out in the real world. Each cohort member has the opportunity to explore their own purpose, no matter their faith position, and figure out how to use that purpose in the world through social work. We are constantly exploring our beliefs and I am finding connection with each member and within myself.

Note: Dawn welcomes questions or comments at

Anna Disser, BSW '22

President, Club Social Work

Club Social Work functions to connect social work students to one another and promote engagement in meaningful justice work that ties into our field. I was initially motivated to step into this role because I saw the connections that were formed within it. I now lead a team of seven incredible women, and I couldn’t do this work without them. This semester, we are continuing to hold events via Zoom (join us for our Social Work Month panel event on March 19!) and put out educational material via our Instagram (@apuclubsocialwork). The board is also working on developing a BSW student mentorship program that we hope to launch in Fall 2021.

Note: You may reach out to Anna at Click to register for the March 26 event or for more information, reach out by email or on Instagram (more information about this event will be posted soon).

MSW Capstone 2020 Awardees

1st Place

Christie Leung (FT)"Preparing Social Workers for CulturallyResponsive End of Life Care With Asian-Americans"

Gizelle Roldan (PT)"The Impact of Social Media on Community Engagement Within the Homeless Services Sector"

2nd Place

Gabriella Martinez (FT)"Legal Services for Survivors of Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault: A Needs Assessment for the Development of Peer Programing"

Eunice Chen (PT)"The Effectiveness of Evidence-Based Programs for Social Isolation Among Older Adults"

3rd Place

Selene Boyd (FT)"Harm-Reduction for Cannabis Use: A Workshop for Helping Professionals Serving Adolescents"

David Carrillo (PT)"Effectiveness of a Directive Sandtray Treatment Group in a State Psychiatric Setting"

Honorable Mention

Monique Brito

John Contreras

Belen Gonzalez

Kristi Hazama

Samantha Paz

Elise Rahn

*PT - Part time; FT - Full time

Top Left: Christie Leung - Top Middle: Gizelle Roldan - Top Right: Gabriella Martinez

Bottom Left: Eunice Chen - Bottom right: Selene Boyd

David Carrillo Not Pictured.

BSW Graduate Awards 2020


Daniel Montoya (top left)



Jennifer Crandall (top right)



Seth Zomermaand (bottom left)



Jeremiah Jones (bottom right)

Geriatric Social Work Education Consortium (GSWEC) Students

Azusa Pacific University is a member of the Southern California Geriatric Social Work Education Consortium (GSWEC) which provides a directed social work field education experience with training for students who want to develop skills in working with older adults and their families. Currently, GSWEC offers internship opportunities with hospital settings, outpatient care management, veterans’ facilities, behavioral health, substance abuse, dementia patients and caregivers, and more. Specialization year students, in either the clinical or community specializations, are eligible to apply for this program, which offers a stipend with no work/payback requirement.

Front Row, l-r: Jaclyn Flores, Natalie Hilberg, Samantha Paz, Eunice Chen.
Back Row, l-r: Jorge Vasquez, Elisa Jimenez, Joanna Harvey, Melaney Torres.
Others not in photo: Rodolfo Gaytan-Ramos, Kristine Guzman, Bridgett Cabrera, Juan Ortega.

Isabella Jimenez, BSW '21

Joni Eareckson Tada Scholarship Recipient

We are pleased to announce that Isabella Jimenez is the recipient of the $3500 Joni Eareckson Tada Scholarship for the 2020-21 academic year. Isabella's application essay demonstrated her passion and commitment to work with persons with disabilities. She will complete an internship next year in that area. 

While many choose to turn a blind eye to the growing homeless crisis in the greater Los Angeles area, senior Daniel Montoya decided to use his college education to make a difference. Montoya was recently awarded the Hatfield Prize by the Center for Public Justice (CPJ) to conduct research on the reintegration of families who have experienced chronic homelessness and are living or have lived under the permanent supportive housing model. Montoya will receive a $5,000 grant to fund his research under the guidance of faculty advisor Anupama Jacob, Ph.D., associate professor in the Department of Social Work. Findings from their semester-long research project will publish in a public policy report by the CPJ. 

Note: Daniel was selected by APU to spend a day at the State Capitol where he met with elected officials and had the opportunity to share about his research.

Upward Bound: BSW

Students Provide College Preparation for Azusa Students

Three BSW students participated as Summer Academy Leaders in TRiO Upward Bound (UB), a federally funded program that supports 60 students at APU each year in their preparation for college admission. Seth Zommerman, Saxon Guitierrez and Daniel Montoya used their social work training to weekly impact individual groups of six to eight first-generation Azusa students in socio-emotional, college, and career-related group activities and discussions.

l-r: Saxon Guitierrez, Seth Zommerman, Daniel Montoya

Congratulations, MSW Macro Award Students!

Rosemary Baraja, MSW ‘21 and Juan Ortega, MSW ‘20, each received the 2019-20 Outstanding Macro Student Award of $500.

As a current BSW senior (graduating in December), Sarah shares about her experience as interim executive director of social services, Salvation Army Pasadena Corp, particularly related to the Salvation Army Homeless Connect* event. Before taking the position, she thought “I am not ready to fulfill a role like that for a long time.”

Sarah is pictured, right


Dominique Bowie, BSW '20, 

has been selected as the Student Representative of Southern California for the National Association of Social Workers (NASW). She will represent the interests of social work students in all of Southern California university and college social work programs to the NASW. 

Daniel Montoya, BSW '20,

recieved the inaugural recipient of the $500 Patterson Resiliency Award. 

BSW Honors 2018-2019

Spirit of Social Work

Lillie Mascott (top right)

Most Inspirational Student

Martha Floyd (top left)

Outstanding Field Intern

Vintsy Medel (bottom right)

Outstanding Student

Breana Schricker (bottom left)

MSW Honors 2018-2019

Most Inspirational Student

Jessica Parris (FT)

Brandee Stepp (PT)

Outstanding Capstone Projects

Micaela Tracy (FT)

Kayla Walkemeyer (PT)

Outstanding Students

Mary Bohorquez (AS)

Emily Kemp (FT)

Mayra Pizeno (PT)

*PT - Part time; FT - Full time; AS- Advanced standing

Top left- Jessica Parris (with Regina Trammel, faculty); Bottom left- Emily Kemp (with Donna Gallup, faculty); Top middle- Micaela Tracy (with Donna Gallup, faculty); Bottom middle- Mary Bohorquez (with Jean Un, faculty); Top right- Brandee Stepp (with Regina Trammel, faculty); Middle right- Mayra Pizeno (with Karen Maynard, faculty); Bottom right- Kayla Walkemeyer (with Olivia Sevilla, faculty)

Outstanding MSW Field Supervisor

Jhoana Hirasuna 

Outstanding MSW Field Agency

Foothill Presbyterian Hospital 

represented by Nicole Wood

Left to right attendees and winners:

Stephanie Esquivel (2nd place)

Mikaela Armstrong

Breana Schricker (3rd place)

Itati Osorio

Elenoa Tupouniua

Taylor Johnson

Baccalaureate Program Directors (BPD) Student Research Awards

Six BSW seniors were invited to participate in the student research poster competition at the 2019 national Baccalaureate Program Directors (BPD) conference. We continued our historically strong track record with two students honored with the second and third place student research awards. 

Read more about our students’ accomplishments.

International Social Work Teams

The Department of Social Work, for its third consecutive year, under the leadership of Dr. Shaynah Neshama, sent teams abroad to learn and practice social work internationally. 


Left to right: Cassandra Gonzales (‘19), Gloria Mendez (‘19), Helen Nazarian (faculty), Kenberly Ferguson (‘20), Brandy Linares (‘19)


Left to right: Back - Kiante McKinley (BSW ‘20), Jay Ruan (‘20), Margarita Reyes (‘19), Josephina Sierra (senior adjunct)

Front - Chandi Joshi (‘18), Kayla Walkemeyer (BSW ‘16. MSW ‘19) , Carla Sandoval (‘19), Krista Rodriguez (‘21)

Our first five awardees, l-r: Emily Kemp, Micaela Tracy, Omar Williams, Cristina Lopez, Brandy Linares

Certificate in Human Services Management from the Network for Social Work Management now offered by the MSW Program

MSW/BSW Students at 2019 Lobby Days

Connie writes about her International Social Work experience in Ecuador the summer of 2019. She is pictured above with her team, as well as the Kenya team, that traveled at the same time. 

Top row, l-r: 

Bottom row, l-r: 

Congratulations APU Macro Students for the CSH Award 2018!

Congrats to five APU macro students who each received a $1,000 stipend for participating in the Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) MSW intern program. From left to right-Brenda Ventura, Mayra Pizeno, Omar Williams, Amy Quiroz, Annie Camara. 

Click here to read more about this award!

From a very young age I learned the innate interconnectedness of a life led by faith and the indisputable commission to advocate for justice....

Click on Courtneys name above to read more on her article!

" Here we are social workers gathering to practice gratitude . Reflecting on our blessings, being mindful of our attitude. We understand the depravity that pervades humanity. It weighs on our conscious, threatens our own sanity. But through the trials and through the struggles we face, we know for Gods unfailing grace." 

Click here to read Courtneys Thanksgiving poem!

My journey from APU and back...

Congratulations BSW Phi Alpha Honor Society Members for 2018!

Sarah Bedore, Kelsey Burgess, Micaiah Mahan, Kelley McGill, Logan Ramirez, Daphne Rosales, Heather Turner, Blanca Vazquez

Click here  to see BSW Phi Alpha Honor Society members from 2016 and 2017!

Congratulations to the BSW and MSW Awardees for 2018

BSW Awardees

Spirit of Social Work:Guillermo Pichardo, with Program Director Barbara Johnson, MSW, LCSW and Angelina Sagapolu '18 (top left)
Most Inspirational Student:Kendall Marlow (top right)
Outstanding Field Intern:Yesenia Islas (middle left)
Outstanding Student:Heather Turner (bottom left, with Amy Tauati, acting BSW program director)Sarah Bedore (bottom right)

MSW Awardees

Most Inspirational Student:Claudia Cuevas, PT* (top left, with faculty, Karen Maynard and Olivia Sevilla)Ashley Greenway, FT* (top middle)Erika Sethi, AS* (top right)
Outstanding Capstone Projects:Elisa Gaytan, PT (middle left)Janer Joy Muelle, FT (middle right)
Outstanding Student:Ashley Greenway, FT (top middle)Stephanie Nimatuj, AS (bottom left, with faculty Karen Maynard)Roxanna Prado, PT (bottom right, with faculty Virginia Olivas)
*PT = part-time*FT = full-time*AS = advanced standing

Congratulations to the 2017-18 Title IV-E/UCCF Stipend Cohort

 Dayana Campos, Cristina Guevara, Armani Johnson,  Yoyce Pichardo, Karina Salcedo, Guadalupe Sanchez-Magana

Congratulations to the 2016-17 Title IV-E/UCCF Stipend Cohort

From left to right, Trudy Garcia, Adriana Locklin, Geraldine Medrano, Lisa Perdue, Henna Cho, Yesenia Sosa, Valencia Ferrell 

Lauren is a junior BSW Club Social Work president, who has done an exceptional job this year in event planning and student engagement. The purpose of the club is to establish connection between the various cohorts of students and faculty. 

Club Social Work board from left to right: Itati Osorio, Melissa Banuelos, Taylor Johnson, Jessica Millot, Lauren Wranosky, Daphne Rosales, Haley Ketola, and Edward Guerrero

Photo, l-r: Anna, Ayn Cruz, Elisa Gaytan, Jennifer Clear, Lucy Valencia, Chandni Joshi 

MSW Veterans Giving Back

Although Bryan Brewer and Aurelio Sanchez did not meet until starting the MSW program, they quickly found they had a lot in common! 

Photo of 2015-16 cohort (l-r) D. Guadamuz, T. Cendejas, D. Gonzalez, C. Lim, G.Diaz, M. Moran, J. Martinez

People say the view from the mountaintop is worth the climb, and I wholeheartedly agree. What I had not anticipated, however, was how difficult the climb could be - or how limitless the possibilities could be once I reached the peak. 

Throughout my internship this year I find myself reflecting on my dear friend Jenn, who was diagnosed with colon cancer when only twenty-seven...

As a lifelong Azusa resident, I always had a desire to attend Azusa Pacific University. However, after graduating from Azusa High School I decided to serve our great country in the U.S. Air Force....

As a first generation college student, I knew attending and completing college would not only be a great accomplishment for me, but an accomplishment for my entire family. 

I [was a] senior in the BSW Program. I am an Angelino, born and raised in Mid-City, Los Angeles and the experience of growing up in LA is what first interested me in social work...

Our first five awardees, l-r: Emily Kemp, Micaela Tracy, Omar Williams, Cristina Lopez, Brandy Linares