the Philosophy programme

Listen, think, contribute

Some things are so obvious that they are hidden from us. How do you know that you aren’t dreaming? Are you the same person who started reading this sentence? Why exactly is murder wrong, and how do we know it? What makes something beautiful, or ugly, or awkward?

At the same time, the world around us is full of need. People live needlessly difficult lives.

Philosophy at Azim Premji University prepares you to answer both the hidden questions and the practical need.

We start with wondering about the big questions. You will sharpen these wonderings into clear arguments, and learn to find your own alternative views. Along the way, you will pick up rare and vital capabilities: communicating clearly, working with those you profoundly disagree with, coming up with your own ideas and testing them thoroughly. And you will practice applying your insights and capabilities to the world around you, through seminar discussions and work outside the university, in the field.