South Atlanta Talented and Gifted Education
Welcome back to a new year at South Atlanta High School. Your child(ren) is among the over 45 students at South Atlanta High School who have been previously identified as Gifted & Talented. We are excited to have such a large group of bright, motivated young people apart our student body. This school year, the Gifted & Talented program at South Atlanta will be overseen by Ms. Angie Cato and a team of gifted-certified teachers. We will collaborate with your scholar‘s teachers to ensure that your child(ren) is challenged in ways that are appropriate to their abilities.
We are excited about a number of programs and classes that are offered this school year. South Atlanta offers a variety of AP and Honor classes that will meet your child’s needs for academic curiosity and autonomy, increased rigor, and a faster paced instruction. The talend and gifted program also provides enrichement opportunity through participation in the Academic Decathalon. In addition to the advanced courses, gifted and talented students who attends South Atlanta will receive an enhanced curriculum focused on building competency in knowledge and skills that will prepare students for a STEM driven work-force (across subject areas).
It is our hope that your child(ren) will find his/her participation in the gifted program full of rich experiences that will inspire their love of learning—both inside and outside the classroom, and throughout life. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your child's gifted teacher(s), gifted administrator, or me (Angie Cato). It is with great enthusiasm that I welcome those of you who are new and those of you who are returning to our program.
Angie Cato