2nd Grade Updates: January 27th - 31st
What are we learning this week?
Fundations: Unit 9 Week 1
Home Support Link
Grammar: Commas
Writing: Friendly Letters + Opinion Writing
Reading: Unit 3 Week 7
Focus Standard: RI 6 & RI8
Math: Addition and Subtraction between 1,000
Science & Social Studies: Important People
Important Dates and Information
Upcoming Events and Calendar
January 24th: Campus Cleanup
January 25th: Dolphins Got Talent! + Art Reception
January 27th: Book Collection Begins
January 31st: Dolphins Do Good Sorting
February 4th: K-2 Family Science Night
February 5th: Global Day of Play
February 10th & 11th: High Touch High Tech In School Field Trip
February 17th- 21st: February Break (NO SCHOOL)
MES Parent Perception Survey
Hello parents!
Below is the link to Morningside's 24-25 Parent Perception Survey. This survey is completely anonymous and will not collect email addresses. We would love to hear your thoughts and feedback related to your family's experience here at MES!
Link to the Parent Perception Survey
Family Science Night
Registration for this year’s MES Family Science Night is now open! Can a robot clean my room? How are airplanes able to stay in the sky? What makes a video game controller work? Find out the answers to these questions and more at MES Family Science Night!
● Grades K-2: Tuesday, Feb 4, 5:30 - 8:00pm, MES
● Grades 3-5: Thursday, Feb 6, 5:30 - 8:00pm, MES
Registration for our favorite night of the year is now open. We have an exciting format this year that includes an onsite pizza snack option and 2 options for the Spectacular Science Showcase in the auditorium at the start of the event - 5:30 PM or 6 PM. Parents, caregivers, and siblings are encouraged to attend! For more information and to register, please visit the Family Science Night page. Registration closes Thursday, January 23rd!
Volunteers are a key part of making sure this exciting event runs smoothly and is a fantastic experience for all involved. If presenting isn't your thing but you still want to be part of the action, we would love to have you volunteer on the night(s) of the event. Sign up here!
Message from Mr. LaSalle
January Attendance Theme - We’re in the Write Place
Parents are being encouraged to write an encouraging note to the class about the importance of attending school. Teachers will share notes during their morning meetings and will turn them into Mr. LaSalle. Students whose parents send in a note about attendance will be placed in a drawing for prizes. Deadline 1/31/25.
2nd Grade Class Dues
If you have not yet paid for your child's class dues, you may click the following link to do so. 2nd grade class dues are $80 and this includes all field trip fees for your child. School Cash Online
Pre-Register for Lunch Visits
Please help keep our school safe by signing in and out at the front office and indicating where you'll be in the school at all times. If you ever want to visit our classroom, please make that request to me at least 24 hours in advance. If you are coming to have lunch with your child, all parents/guardians are now required to pre-register for lunch visits. Lunch visits are for lunch only, and we have special lunch guest tables for you and your child! Thank you so much for being a part of our safety team and helping us to keep our students and staff safe!