Assignments/ rubrics

Whenever possible, assignments and rubrics used in our Google Classroom will be uploaded to this page.

*Disclaimer: all uploaded materials on this page have already been or will be distributed in class. If an assignment or rubric is missing from this page.

Mr. Starr's Documents, Assignments, Rubrics, etc.

Start of the year files

Parent Letter 1920.docx
supply list 1920.docx
Whats In a Name.docx
Your World.pdf

Geography & Prehistory files

Latitude and Longitude practice.pdf
A Long Time Ago.doc
Create a Culture Project 1819.docx

Task examples and information to help you complete tasks during our EMPIRES simulation. You can also use the textbook, the library, and the internet.

General EMPIRES info. AND Task rubrics

Mesopotamia Files

Task Examples.docx
EMPIRES simulation information.docx
Task and Fate Facts.docx
Ch 2 Key Terms.docx
Ancient Civilizations.docx

Individual tasks. You must complete at least 1 task for each level (due dates posted on class calendar and in your agenda). Just as your civilization will grow in complexity from Tribe to Empire, so should your tasks.

*You can CHOOSE to complete up to 5 total tasks for each level to help your Mesopotamian Clan in our class simulation, but it is not extra-credit for your individual grade.

TRIBE TASKS - level 1.docx
VILLAGE TASKS - level 2.docx
CITY STATE TASKS - level 3.docx
EMPIRE TASKS - level 4.docx


mummification letter 2018.docx

Mummification information and donation request

2.2 Egypt and the Nile Delta.pdf

Egypt and the Nile Delta

Egypt gods and goddesses.pdf

Egyptian gods and goddesses

980_news_shorts_tomb_raiders passage and answers.pdf

News Shorts: Tomb Raiders

Ancient India Files

Indian_Castes reading passage.pdf
Siddhartha_Gautama___The_Buddha reading passage.pdf
Hinduism and Buddhism Religion Project Flip Chart.docx
Monsoons reading passage.pdf

Ancient China Files

The_Yellow_River reading passage.pdf
Confucianism_in_China reading passage.pdf
The_Silk_Road reading passage.pdf
Ancient China Research Project.docx
China_s_Silk_Secret reading passage.pdf

Ancient Greece Files

Democracy__Then_and_Now rp.pdf
The_Peloponnesian_Wars rp.pdf
Life_in_Sparta RP.pdf
Greece map and guidelines.pdf

Ancient Rome Files

Romulus & Remus reading passage.pdf
From_Republic_to_Empire rp.pdf
rome map and requirements.pdf
Augustus_Caesar__Father_of_Rome rp.pdf
The_Republic__Then_and_Now rp.pdf

Middle Ages Files

Citizenship Notes.docx
Create a Culture Project 1819.docx
Plot your Position coordinates.docx
Universals of Culture.docx