Mr. CdeBaca

Hello, my name is Sam Cdebaca

Parent Letter

Welcome to Geography. My name is Samuel CdeBaca. I am starting my sixth year here at Cibola High School and seventh year teaching over all. I was born and raised in New Mexico and love it. I grew up in the south valley, graduated from Rio Grande High school, eventually joined the Army and served eight years as a combat medic. During this time I was deployed in the Persian Gulf War and worked in an emergency room. After my youngest child left the “nest” I came back to New Mexico and got my education degree at UNM.

This year in our Geography class we will cover how physical, natural, and cultural processes influence where people live, the ways in which people live, and how societies interact with one another and their environments. We will also use critical thinking skills to understand and communicate perspectives of individuals, groups and societies from multiple contexts. I know that the past couple of years have been difficult and that distance learning has taken away a lot of the educational experience.

My goal for the year is to (re)acclimate the students to learning, push them past the malaise of the past years, develop critical thinking skills and challenge them to become lifelong learners. I am looking forward to having your child in my class and having an exciting and learning filled year.

1st Geography

2nd Geography

3rd Prep

4th PLT

5th Geography

6th Geography

7th Geography

Mr. C de Baca

Contact Info :

M-F 7:25- 2:30

(505) 897-0110

Ext: 40073

Geography Syllabus2018-19.docx

Cell Phone Policy Letter

Letter to parents.docx

Syllabus/Policy Letter Agreement

1st period Google Class code - wotfdvj

2nd period Google Class code - 2mly5hz

5th period Google Class code - 2sunlsz

6th period Google Class code - f3tlati

7th period Google Class code - 7twccq7

Advisory Google Class code - d54qr2j