


Having fun during summer? Well that fun can put your health at risk. Many people love going swimming and doing different activities during the season of summer. But many of those people forget many health risks. Some of those cases can be life threatening or can be minor health risks. The most common heath risks during summer is food poisoning.The CDC Estimates that around 76 million people or 1 in 6 Americans get sick from contaminated food. Summer season Is full of food and picnics and picnics means outdoors. The outdoors is warm, and so the food can become spoiled. Many people don’t take precaution with their food such as taking coolers or being in the shade and get easily distracted to the point where their food is already spoiled. A former AHS freshman Luis Lopez,” swimming is life for him,” but he didn’t know all the risks involved. First, overall swimming without sunscreen many people forget to us can cause you to get a sunburn or even skin cancer. In order to avoid sunburn use sunscreen to lower the chances you get skin cancer. Many of these risks are caused by UV rays from the sun According to verywellhealth “Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer due to the sun.” Over one million people are diagnosed with skin cancer each year. If caught early, skin cancer is usually treated easily. Skin cancer is more common in people who have spent lots of time in the sun and are over the age of 50. Another common health risk during summer is asthma attacks. During summer there is smog according to LiveScience,” Summer can be a dangerous time for kids and adults with asthma. More smog and air pollution, high pollen levels and increased mold growth due to high humidity all cause a spike in asthma attacks, “said Dr. Adam Vella, assistant professor of pediatric emergency medicine at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. The air quality during summer can sometimes be good and can also be bad. You can prevent asthma attacks by keeping your rescue inhaler on hand, maintain a cool house and even checking the weather. By checking the weather you can make sure the air quality is good and see if the weather is changing.