
Welcome to Benson Polytechnic High School´s College Planning website. Visit here for links to current information about applying for college, applying for financial aid and scholarships, what and when college visits are happening, and other important events . 

The College Counselor/AVID Coordinator, Kathleen Reid, can be reached by email at or by phone at 971-238-8322.  Set up an appointment with Kathleen HERE

Maia Learning is Benson's college and career platform. Students can access their Maia Learning account at . Sign in with Google and use your school email account information. 

Benson CEEB Code: 380840

FAFSA opens on December 1, 2024.  We recommend filling out the FAFSA during the month of December

Transcripts Requests:  Students can access a copy of their transcript in StudentVUE under course history (best to access from a laptop). Review your transcript at the end of each semester.  Check transcript carefully for errors. If you find a mistake, notify your school counselor ASAP. Official transcripts for colleges must be requested through Maia Learning. See the Maia Learning tab for instructions. For other transcript requests, email our counseling secretary, Mrs. Jamie Strohecker at

College/University Updates  

Please view specific college websites and go to their admissions page for specific admission guidelines.

Other great resources:

Institutions offering free tuition to Pell-eligible students include

University of Oregon (3.4 GPA requirement) 

Western Oregon University (3.4 GPA requirement)

Portland State University