Universal Design
for Learning

UDL is a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights on how humans learn. - Center for Applied Special Technology

Universal Design for Learning is not just a framework for curriculum design. It is the expression of a belief that all students are capable of learning and that instruction, when crafted and implemented with this belief in mind, can help all students succeed in inclusive and equitable learning environments. - Katie Novak 

The UDL Guidelines

The UDL Guidelines have been updated! The Center for Applied Special Technology first developed the UDL guidelines in 2007. The newest version has been released.  CLICK HERE to see The Universal Design for Learning Guidelines 3.0 from CAST. CLICK HERE to see the changes from version 2.2 to 3.0. CLICK HERE for an 8-minute video from Katie Novak explaining the new guidelines.  

The goal of UDL is learner agency that is purposeful and reflective, resourceful and authentic, strategic and action-oriented.

Learner agency is when 

students own their learning. 

It involves students being active participants in their educational journey. When students have agency, they are more engaged, motivated, and successful.

Local Resources 

Other Resources

Please contact your SST9 UDL consultants if you have any questions or need support with implementing UDL. 

Ohio's Statewide System of Support

Ohio’s State System of Support is in place to assist schools and districts to increase student outcomes and achievement through a continuous improvement process. 

This system includes: 

This system utilizes the Ohio Improvement Process (OIP) as a framework to establish systemic collaborative structures designed to support the development and implementation of focused goals and a strategic plan looking at both students' academic and non-academic needs. 

ODEW's website has more information.