Operation Graduation

South Windsor Operation Graduation (SWOG) 

Please note that as a courtesy, we post information related to SWOG, but we are not affiliated with any of the events connected to Operation Graduation or any SWOG fundraisers. 

Questions regarding SWOG events should be directed to swog161@gmail.com.

Congrats to the class of 2025! Operation Graduation is pleased to once again offer the purchase of class T-shirts for the graduates, (to benefit the safe night party for the class). We also have a new option for a paper balloon to display at our event, you can purchase one or both items! 

WE HAVE NEW OPTIONS THIS YEAR          T SHIRTS $20          PAPER BALLOON $5          BOTH $25  

T shirts cost $20 each. The shirt will feature the names of the members of the class of 2025 on the back, SWOG logo on the front. We will have pick up days, so students can have them prior to the senior activities and Operation Graduation party, if they would like to wear them that night! 

Orders  due  2/13/25

NEW THIS YEAR- We are also offering a way for parents to show support for their student and SW Operation Graduation Party- buy a paper "balloon" cut out for $5 and you can decorate it at the April SWOG meeting, or SWOG can write your message on it for you! These will be displayed on the windows of rooms at our event, students can take them home at the end of the night! 

Buy both t shirt and Balloon for $25  

PAYMENT by venmo to swog161@venmo (please include student name) or by cash or check made out to SWOG, sent c/o Margo Testa- SWHS main office or mailed to PO BOX 545  South Windsor CT 06074

Thanks for supporting SWOG !!    CLICK HERE TO ORDER T-SHIRT!