Student Chromebook Insurance 

Chromebook Insurance Enrollment Closed for the 2024-25 School Year

The deadline to purchase Chromebook Insurance for the 2024-25 school year has passed.


South Windsor Public Schools offers insurance for school-issued Chromebooks at a cost of $28. Insurance coverage is for one year and expires August 23, 2025.  We encourage 100% participation in the insurance program. Students are held personally and monetarily responsible for any loss or damage caused by intentional vandalism or negligence concerning assigned district electronic devices. The insurance will cover stolen devices with a police report and accidental damage. It will not cover lost devices or malicious acts. To join the insurance program, you may pay online OR make out a check for $28 to SWPS and write the student's ID number and grade in the memo line and hand it into the main office of your student's school.  There is no need to purchase additional insurance when the devices are swapped. 

*PLEASE NOTE: For the 2024-2025 school year, only middle school and high school students can purchase insurance.*

South Windsor Schools is using MySchoolBucks to collect online Chromebook Insurance fees this year.  If you do not have an account with MySchoolBucks follow the steps below.  Please note that MySchoolBucks charges an additional 4.95% online processing fee.

1.       Register for a free account.

2.       Add your students using their school name and student ID.

3.       Make purchases with your credit/debit card.

Free & Reduced Lunch:
If your family has a financial hardship and cannot afford insurance, please contact your child’s principal in writing. Students who receive free or reduced lunch are eligible to have insurance waived. New Free and Reduced Meal applications will need to be completed for the 2024-2025 school year. See below for the link to the Addendum A form. These are available online over the summer and also sent home on the first day of school. Part of the application has an Addendum A where you can allow our office to contact Food Service on your behalf and your benefit will be shared. Please contact the Food Service Specialist, Lisa Clayton, if you have questions at 860-474-1499.