Welcome to the RR6 Online Prospectus
We are very proud of the achievements at RR6 to date. Both schools have Ofsted outstanding ratings and continue to validate the motto ‘United in Excellence’. Our Sixth Form provides excellent teaching and learning, a comprehensive enrichment offer, superb UCAS, Oxbridge and careers guidance and, importantly, responsible, mature and happy students.
Laura Howarth, Headteacher, Rutlish School
RR6 is a great place to study. It’s a vibrant, stimulating and purposeful environment with excellent results and high achieving students who go on to study a wide variety of courses at university, gain a higher level apprenticeship or move into employment.
We wish all Year 11 students the very best of luck with your studies this year. We look forward to welcoming you to RR6.
Kate Page, Headteacher, Ricards Lodge High School
We are also delighted to be opening our new RR6 STEM building for first student use in September 2025, just in time for your arrival into Year 12. It contains three new high-spec Science labs, a Design and Technology digital and practical design suite, an additional study room and a dedicated sixth form cafe.
Life at RR6
We offer you many opportunities to develop your skills and extend your knowledge outside of lessons, and all RR6 students complete an exciting enrichment programme which includes activities such as:
Enrichment qualifications: Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award, British Sign Language, preparation for Driving Test Theory
Community volunteering: Befriending at a local care home, community ecology volunteer work , charity work, mentoring students in lower year groups
STEM opportunities: Nuffield Science research programme, Senior Maths Challenge, Chemistry Olympiad, design and engineering competitions, science careers networking events
The Arts: Performing in school productions, dance skills workshops and performances , photography and art skills development and exhibition of work, production design, performing in bands and orchestra, workshops with professional companies and practitioners, performing in arts festivals, theatre and dance show visits, guided exhibition tours
Sports: Individual and team sports, representing the schools and the borough in competitive sports teams
Preparing for Independent Living: cooking, finance and budgeting, trips exploring culture in London
Visiting Speakers: Industry recruitment experts, university and conservatoire admissions teams, guest lecturers across the curriculum
Residential and day trips to Europe and around the UK including fieldwork
You can apply to join the RR6 Ambassador Team to develop your leadership skills and contribute to decision-making in RR6
Roles on this team of ambassadors include a range of responsibilities:
Lead Ambassadors ,Deputy Ambassadors, plus those with the following focuses: Academic, Transition, Sports, Charity, Equality and Diversity, Social, ArtsContribution to the school councils on each site and invitations to speak at prestigious school events and governing body meetings
You will be supported in your future decision making by our progression programme which includes:
Guidance from tutors and Heads of Year all year round via the pastoral PSHE and Careers programme
Individual advice and guidance through the admissions process for University, Apprenticeship and School Leaver Programme admissions by form tutors, the Careers & UCAS Advisers and Heads of Sixth Form
If you wish to apply for Oxford, Cambridge, Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary, Conservatoires and competitive universities, you will receive additional support to guide you through the specialist application process and provide guidance on college choices.
All students visit the UCAS Higher Education and Careers Fair in Year 12 and many students also attend Open Day Events individually and in subject groups.
Visiting speakers from a wide range of Universities, Industries and Apprenticeships including presentations and workshops by our successful RR6 Alumni.
If you wish to continue in further education with an increased focus on vocational skills, you visit FE providers and are given support to create effective application portfolios
I chose RR6 so that I could continue to access the high quality teaching and facilities that I had experienced at Rutlish, and because I knew that the results the 6th form achieved were very good.
What subjects are you studying at RR6? Photography, Geography, German and EPQ
What do you enjoy most about your studies? I enjoy the community feel that there is both inside and out of lessons
What do you plan to do in the future after RR6? I plan to go to university and study design
I chose RR6 because they had all the great courses that I knew would make my 6th form day to day life fun and doing courses that I enjoy gets me one step closer to finding out what I aspire to do in the future which I have chosen to be interior architecture and design.
What subjects are you studying at RR6? Art, Sport and Dance
What do you enjoy most about your studies? That they are artistic and helping me know that because I love each subject, I could become a coach or a dancer if I wanted to.
What do you plan to do in the future after RR6? I plan to go to university to study interior architecture and design with a placement year in America to help with my cv in the future and to learn more things in another country.
I chose RR6 because I wanted to start new and meet new people.
What subjects are you studying at RR6? History, Psychology and Film
What do you enjoy most about your studies? The people and the new information
What do you plan to do in the future after RR6? Go to university and get a good job
I chose RR6 because I know the schools well, know the teachers well, and they're local schools
What subjects are you studying at RR6? Music, Sport, Film and EPQ
What do you enjoy most about your studies? The practical side of all of my subjects and how they apply to my future
What do you plan to do in the future after RR6? Travel the world and study at university
I wanted to study at RR6 because I enjoyed my time at Ricards from years 7-11. I liked the curriculum from each of my subjects and wanted to continue my education in a familiar and friendly environment.
What subjects are you studying at RR6? English Literature, Geography and Art
What do you enjoy most about your studies? I enjoy learning new knowledge and skills that I can transfer into my daily life, as well as my future.
What do you plan to do in the future after RR6? After RR6, I plan to go to university to study English.
I chose RR6 because of the fun, warm and familiar environment
What subjects are you studying at RR6? Dance, Drama and Photography
What do you enjoy most about your studies? I chose subjects that I enjoy therefore I'm always excited to come to school
What do you plan to do in the future after RR6? I would like to do a drama foundation year and then go to drama school