Welcome to Inglemoor High School's yearbook site.

Orders for 2024-2025 yearbooks ended December 9.

Limited overstock may be available in May, but quantities will be very limited. We will sell those books for $70 beginning May 25, 2025 until sold out.

Sales for past year yearbooks may be purchased from the school bookkeeper, Ms. Clawson, on campus. Contact Ms. Clawson for details (425) 408-7227.

Senior Ads sales ended Friday, January 31.

If you already paid for your ad, but neglected to upload the photos and message, do it NOW using this link below.

Upload photographs and messages at this link (click here).

Join Scandia yearbook staff 2025-2026.

Applications due before Monday, March 3.

Apply online at this link


print this hard copy and complete by hand


pick up a hard copy from the main office and complete by hand.