Spanish 103/350

Please note: During Online Remote Learning, I will have a Zoom meeting at each Scheduled Class period per the NSD High School Schedule. I will only post these Zoom Meeting invitations in Schoology. I will be available during office hours if you need additional help or have questions.

Online Audio Link:

Other Resources:

  • Your white textbook

  • Your Black Workbook

Please see the "Useful Links" tabs for additional practice links of content/grammar for SP350.

Spanish 350 - Remote Learning 2.0 - starting Monday, March 30th

  1. Each week students will work on a concept from the Gente textbook.

  2. Students will have a variety of choice activities to complete that will help with their learning of the concepts to be covered through the end of the year and prepare them to move on for AP Spanish next year. Focus will be on Chapters 14 & 15. These will be assessed by the CHS 103 quizzes, tests, compositions, and collaborative projects for each chapter to prepare you for AP next year.

Expectations for Spanish 350:

    1. Attendance: will be taken during the class period. You will show that you have attended class by completing the Google Form via the WHS attendance lihk online.

    2. Assignments (projects, tasks, etc): need to be completed and uploaded into the Classwork Assignment on Google Classroom. You will receive feedback from the teacher about your level of understanding of the content based on what you submit. If nothing is submitted, or what you have submitted doesn’t demonstrate learning then you will not receive credit (& UW grades will drastically be affected for UWHS students).

    3. Participation & Zoom meetings will be held every period as a check-in and a time for you to ask any questions. Participation will be noted during Zoom meetings and/or submission of projects, tasks, and activities. (Attendance will be taken through the WHS attendance form online). Please follow all Digital Citizenship NSD guidelines for technology.

    4. Office hours are on Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00-10:30AM and 1:00-2:30PM - this is a time for you to connect with me and ask me questions, if you have any!

    5. Concepts: It is expected that you will know and be able to apply these concepts prior to AP.

Follow the schedule provided by the district to make sure you are on time for ALL your online classes.