Songs for MLK Assembly

Kindergarten - 5th grade

We Will Stand As One - Kenmore Movie.mp4

Kindergarten - 5th grade

Abraham Martin & John (sing along).mov

4th & 5th graders only

Hello everyone!

We are thrilled to be part of the Kenmore community and excited to support your children’s musical journey!

Our goal is to offer a developmentally appropriate and joyful music experience for all students. Throughout the school year, your child will explore key elements of music, including pitch, rhythm, timbre, form, dynamics, texture, and expression. They will enhance their musical skills through listening, singing, playing instruments, dancing, moving, improvising, and creating. Additionally, music classes will help develop essential life skills such as teamwork, responsibility, confidence, and creativity.

Thank you for your trust and support of the music program at Kenmore Elementary. We look forward to a wonderful year ahead and to sharing the joy of music with your children!

Warm regards,

Ms.Park, Ms.Thompson, and Ms.Cummings

Music Teacher Class Assignment  (24-25 School Year):

Ms.Park: Comstock, Geravis, Olson, Alonso, Okrent, Van Dyk, White, Motto, Bowen-Pope

Ms.Thompson: Torre, Aguiling, Finkelstein, Goodmon, Quinn

Ms.Cummings: Mukai, Reed