Vision, Mission, Plan
College Assessment & Review Team
Vision, Mission, and Strategic Commitments
Vision. To increase student retention, persistence, and completion through a comprehensive data-informed program of assessment for student learning.
Mission. Using an integrated, iterative, and effective process of assessment of student learning across the college, we will Apply Sustainable Solutions to Empower Student Success (ASSESS).
Strategic Commitments. Our Assessment Strategic Commitments align with GCC's Values, Strategic Plan, and the Higher Learning Commission’s Accreditation Criteria. The Strategic Commitments guide all assessment planning and programming.
Strategic Commitment 1
Knowledge of Assessment
Goal 1a. Educate the Community on Assessment
Provide assessment training opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to develop a shared language and competency in conducting assessment and utilizing the results.
Aligns with GCC Value of Quality: Assure excellence in instructional and support services through employee development and continuous assessment for optimal results.
Aligns with HLC Criterion of Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement (4.B.1).
Goal 1b. Communicate with Internal & External Audiences
Regularly share assessment updates with all key internal and external stakeholders to ensure transparency in assessment programming and outcomes.
Aligns with GCC Value of Integrity: Demonstrate unwavering commitment to honesty, transparency, and accountability.
Aligns with HLC Criteria of Mission (1.A.5) and Teaching and Learning: Quality, Resources, and Support (3.A.2, 3.B.1, 3.D.4)
Strategic Commitment 2
Equity in Assessment
Goal 2a. Engage in Equity-Minded Practices
Address assumptions and biases and develop methods for disaggregation of data to support student success with equity.
Aligns with GCC Value of Inclusiveness: Promote a community that supports diversity, equity, and social justice.
Aligns with HLC Criterion of Teaching and Learning: Quality, Resources, and Support (3.A.3, 3.B.3).
Goal 2b. Increase Participation in Assessment
Include more faculty, staff, and students in all aspects of assessment to promote engagement and provide comprehensive representation in the data and resulting action.
Aligns with GCC Value of Community: Foster a culture that enables positive internal and external relationships based on mutual respect, trust, and a sense of belonging.
Aligns with HLC Criterion of Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement (4.A.4, 4.B.3).
Strategic Commitment 3
Action from Assessment
Goal 3a. Use Assessment Results in Decision Making
Provide data tracking and dashboard resources to support use of assessment results to ensure improvement in student learning.
Aligns with GCC Value of Learning: Provide comprehensive and transformative experiences to assist students in achieving their personal, academic, and career goals.
Aligns with HLC Criteria of Integrity: Ethical and Responsible Conduct (2.B.2), Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement (4.A.1, 4.B.2), and Institutional Effectiveness: Resources and Planning (5.C.6.).
Goal 3b. Strategize Locally, Regionally, and Nationally
Collaborate with assessment colleagues across the United States to strengthen the GCC assessment program.
Aligns with GCC Value of Future-Focused: Enhance innovative and forward-thinking perspectives and approaches to prepare students for evolving educational, workforce, and societal needs.
Aligns with HLC Criterion of Institutional Effectiveness: Resources and Planning (5.C.2.)