Online Learning Graduation Requirement
About the online learning graduation requirement
Students are required to earn two online learning credits to graduate from secondary school, beginning with every student who entered Grade 9 in the 2020-21 school year. Adult learners entering the Ontario secondary school system in 2023-24 or later will be required to meet this graduation requirement. The graduation requirement is intended to support students in developing familiarity and comfort with working and learning in a fully online environment, as well as developing digital literacy and other important transferable skills that will help prepare them for success after graduation and in all aspects of their lives.
Students in Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board may choose from a wide range of online courses offered across our district and from a catalog of options available from schools across the province. Online courses are also available to all students in summer school.
Meeting the online learning graduation requirement should not pose a barrier to graduation for students. As with all learning, students taking online courses will have access to the support they need through their school, (e.g., guidance, nutrition programs, extra-curricular activities and services for English-language learners). If a student has an Individual Education Plan, the plan should be shared, when appropriate, with the educator instructing the online course.
Parents/guardians and adult students may choose to opt their child or themselves out of the mandatory online courses required for graduation. Opting out of the graduation requirement does not prevent a student from being eligible to take an online course. Parents/guardians and adult students may also choose to opt back in to the online learning graduation requirement should their decision change.
To opt out online:
Parents or Students who are 18 or older may complete this online form.
To opt out in person:
Parents or Students who are 18 or older can download, print and sign the Opt-Out Form and take it to the school office.
Parents or Students who are 18 or older can obtain an Opt-Out Form from the school office. Sign it and return it to the school.
To opt back in:
Contact the school office by telephone.