Tech Week

We will kick off the first ever BMS Tech Week the 3rd week of school- Sept. 19-23rd. Students will learn how to use some of the apps on their iPads to stay organized and prepared for their classes. These apps include Schoology, Google Drive Apps, Google Calendar, Notability, and some of the basic Apple apps like settings and clock/alarm. Not only is this a tech week, but it's an important life-long learning opportunity for students to be organized with notes and homework from their classes, setting goals and alarms to be prepared, showcasing a digital portfolio of their best work, and how to be a digital citizen. We will also have prizes for students and staff for completing the lessons! Stay tuned for more information!

iPad Supporting Apps

How To: Email and Calendar
iPad Tips and Tricks.mp4

Email and Calendar Tutorials iPad Tips & Tricks

Notability App

Add Classes to Noteability.mp4
Open an Assignment From Schoology Into Noteability.mp4

Add Classes to Notability Open An Assignment

Back Up Your Notes.mp4
Noteability Practice.pdf

Back Up Your Notes with Google Drive Notability Practice

Schoology App

How to: Schoology

Google Drive Apps

Osseo Google Apps Tour
Osseo Google Apps Organization
Osseo Google Apps Sharing
Osseo Google Apps Portfolio- Optional