Parents in

An eLearning Day is very similar to a normal school day where students will be given assignments to complete in all of the academic areas that are scheduled to them during the school day. During an eLearning Day, these assignments will be accessed and completed from home. Students will have five school days to complete the assignments. Students in grades 3-5 will find their assignments posted in Seesaw on their iPads, and students in grades 6-12 will find their assignments posted in Google Classroom. Kindergarten through second grade students will be given assignments that can be completed on paper or with items around the house since our youngest students do not have a device to bring home.

Paper and Pencil Packets

Need Help?

Teachers will hold office hours on eLearning Days between the hours of 9-10:30 and 1:30-3:00. During this time teachers will answer questions that students or parents may have, and they will also provide support for any assignments given. Teachers will be available to answer questions through Seesaw, Google Classroom, or email.

Frequently Asked Questions

Visit the Frequently Asked Questions page for additional information.