Paying your bills

The pandemic has created uncertainty and anxiety in our country and around the world. This can be especially true for those who are unemployed or furloughed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

If you are having trouble making payments, contact the companies you owe money to. Discuss your situation and options. Many companies have implemented special payment flexibilities for consumers experiencing hardship at this time.

Here are a couple tools to help you manage your bills.

When you can't pay all your bills on time, this tool can help you prioritize which bills to pay first and helps you think through the impact of your choices.

This tool can help you keep track of when your bills are due and avoid late fees.

Managing your spending

Reducing your spending and expenses may be an effective way to cover daily necessities. Having a clear picture of your spending helps you identify where you can reduce or better manage your money.

Get an accurate picture of your finances. In normal circumstances, this includes getting a good sense of where your money is coming from (income) and where it’s going (expenses).

Esta herramienta puede darle ideas acerca de cómo eliminar costos y reducir gastos, de forma tal que pueda cubrir sus necesidades diarias.

It is important to understand that debt can represent a very real barrier to achieving goals and can be hard to face. But there are tools you can use to help you take control of your debt. Even small steps toward paying down debt can make a big difference in making it feel more manageable.