Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q : Apa Saja Persyaratan dan Ketentuan sebagai Mitra Pengelola Kargo ?

A : Terkait Object Perjanjian, Persyaratan & Jadwal Seleksi terdapat di dalam dokumen RfQ (Request for Qualification) yang dapat diunduh melalui website ini pada menu download.

Q : Apakah pengalaman perjanjian harus dengan pihak otoritas setempat (Angkasa Pura) atau dengan customer kami?

A : Pengalaman perjanjian yang dimaksud adalah dengan pihak yang menyelenggarakan Bandar Udara (BUBU atau UPBU) setempat.

Q : Apakah akta pendirian perusahaan harus menggunakan akta perusahaan pusat (dalam hal ini eksisting Jakarta) atau harus menggunakan akta perusahaan cabang?

A : Akta yang dimaksud adalah Akta Pendirian suatu perusahaan sebagai Badan Hukum Perseroan Terbatas beserta perubahan-perubahannya yang telah disahkan oleh Menteri Hukum dan HAM (pusat), termasuk dalam hal terdapat akta pembentukan kantor cabang.

Q : Apakah ada format pernyataan dari pihak AP1 atau kami diperbolehkan menggunakan format dari pihak kami?

A : Format pernyataan tidak pailit dapat menggunakan format dari peserta seleksi

Q : Kapan batas pengiriman persyaratan dokumen seleksi yang harus di kirimkan ke alamat email

A : Batas akhir pengiriman dokumen persyaratan seleksi dikirimkan paling lambat tanggal 24 September 2021.

Q : Kapan biaya dokumen sebesar Rp 20.000.000 harus dibayarkan?

A : Biaya administrasi untuk mendapatkan dokumen RFP dibayarkan ketika peserta seleksi dinyatakan shortlisted/lulus dokumen kualifikasi

Q : Do we have to submit all the documents pertain to the annexure, and all legal documents, in soft copies or hard copies?

A : To submit all the documents pertain to the annexure, and all legal documents in Soft Copy, but in the case of needing clarification, partners must prepare documents in hardcopy

Q : Would it be possible for our foreign partner’s representative to visit us for coordination prior to the bidding process whilst the PPKM still in place?

A : For coordination before the auction process and to maintain the fairness of the process, the implementation of the site visit can follow a predetermined timeline, and of course the partners who will be invited to the site visit are partners who have passed the qualifications

Q : Dimana kami dapat melihat nomor pengumuman seleksi yang akan kami gunakan untuk mengisi nomor pada surat Peminatan / Letter of Interest?

A : Nomor Surat Pengumuman Seleksi sebagai berikut: PENG.001/KB.03/2021/SELCTO.SUB tertanggal 3 September 2021. Adapun surat pengumuman dapat dilihat pada halaman depan dan menu download

Q : Berapa harga sewa per meter per bulannya untuk sewa gudang/warehouse?

A : Sesuai dokumen RfQ :

- bagian 3.1 ; bahwa pola kerjasama adalah Revenue Sharing dengan Minimum Kontribusi.

- bagian 3.3 ; bahwa selama masa recovery pandemic pemenang seleksi hanya akan dikenakan revenue share tanpa minimum kontribusi

Q : 1. Apakah partner kami bisa mendapatkan visa untuk kunjungan ke Indonesia?

2. Bolehkan kami mendapatkan penjelasan tentang apa yang dimaksud dengan “Special Qualification” sesuai yang tercantum pada file “Annexure RfQ” di tab sheet “02.Company Qualification” pada baris 33 s/d baris 36?

3. Kami berencana untuk mengirimkan berkas kami (termasuk partner kami), melalui email. Untuk hardcopy, apakah dapat kami sampaikan langsung ke Kantor Pusat AP-1 di Jakarta?

A : 1. Mengenai visa kunjungan ke indonesia dalam hal ini dapat mengacu pada peraturan yang berlaku di Indonesia dan peraturan kunjungan Warga Negara Asing (WNA) ke Indonesia sesuai edaran satuan tugas penanganan COVID-19 atau aturan pada Kementerian Luar Negeri.

2. Pada Lampiran dokumen RfQ (Annexure RfQ) dalam sheet 02. Company Qualification dapat kami sampaikan pada kolom Special qualification"" ini belum perlu di isikan oleh para calon mitra

3. Dokumen persyaratan RfQ hanya disampaikan dalam bentuk soft copy atau pdf sesuai dengan yang tercantum pada dokumen RfQ bagian 4.3 Dokumen Seleksi poin 4.3.3 bahwa Seluruh dokumen permohonan dan persyaratan pada point 4.3.1 butir a sampai dengan n serta lampiran 1 – E0 Kualifikasi Administrasi Perusahaan disampaikan dalam format PDF kedalam 1 folder (.rar). namun pada bagian 4.3 Dokumen Seleksi poin 4.3.7 disampaikan bahwa Dalam hal tim seleksi membutuhkan klarifikasi Peserta wajib menyerahkan dokumen hardcopy apabila diminta oleh PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) dalam proses klarifikasi

Q : In regards to the Request for Qualification (RfQ) for Cargo Terminal Operator at SUB Airport, we would like to clarify some points from the RfQ as follow:

Item 4.3.1 part 2a. Would you please clarify that the regular MOU (which has not been notarized) is sufficient or can be accepted to be qualified for this RfQ?

Item 4.3.1 part 2i. Would you please clarify whether ALL document (such as company registration, tax registration, financial statement, etc) of the foreign company must be legalized by the notary for this RfQ submission? Or is it acceptable if these documents are legalized after the being qualified for RFP?

Item 4.3.1 part 2g. The equity is subject to further negotiation/discussion after reviewing the RFP documents. Can it be acceptable if we submit the details of shareholding after the award and finalization of the JV agreement?

Item 2 Consortium part b. Would you please clarify whether the following documents of foreign company can be certified by a lawyer: certificate of incorporation, memorandum and articles of association and business registration

Item 2 Consortium part b. Would you please clarify whether the following documents of foreign company can be certified the Regional Finance Director of the foreign company: latest annual tax return, audited financial statements of last 3 years.

A : In regards to the Request for Qualification (RfQ) for Cargo Terminal Operator at SUB Airport, we would like to clarify some points from the RfQ as follow:

Item 4.3.1 part 2a. Would you please clarify that the regular MOU (which has not been notarized) is sufficient or can be accepted to be qualified for this RfQ?

Item 4.3.1 part 2i. Would you please clarify whether ALL document (such as company registration, tax registration, financial statement, etc) of the foreign company must be legalized by the notary for this RfQ submission? Or is it acceptable if these documents are legalized after the being qualified for RFP?

Item 4.3.1 part 2g. The equity is subject to further negotiation/discussion after reviewing the RFP documents. Can it be acceptable if we submit the details of shareholding after the award and finalization of the JV agreement?

Item 2 Consortium part b. Would you please clarify whether the following documents of foreign company can be certified by a lawyer: certificate of incorporation, memorandum and articles of association and business registration

Item 2 Consortium part b. Would you please clarify whether the following documents of foreign company can be certified the Regional Finance Director of the foreign company: latest annual tax return, audited financial statements of last 3 years.

Q : Mohon dapat diberikan beberapa informasi berikut ini :

  1. Persyaratan administrasi lengkap untuk ikut sebagai peserta tender apa saja ?

  2. Menggunakan metoda apakah tender ini nantinya ?

  3. Apakah akan ada tender untuk Bandara Denpasar dalam waktu dekat ?

A : 1. persyaratan administrasi lengkap mengacu pada dokumen RfQ yang dapat diunduh pada menu Download dan bisa dilihat pada website

2. Metode seleksi terbuka, menggunakan penilaian dokumen RfQ, RfP (konsep bisnis dan finansial)

3. Angkasa Pura juga membuka untuk tender CTO di DPS, untuk info lebih lanjut bisa mengunjungi website tender DPS pada link

Q : Mohon dapat diberikan beberapa informasi berikut ini :

  1. Please confirm the cargo volumes for the Year 2019 is correct. If yes, please provide the commodity breakdown and elaborate the reason behind the year over year increase.

  2. Please confirm that "mail" cargoes were included in the given table.

  3. Please provide the "mail" tonnages for respective years.

  4. Please provide cargo volumes handled by respective International Cargo Handling Operators (with breakdown of domestic, export, import,mail)

  5. Please provide the breakdown of staff employed by respective Cargo Handling Operator (with breakdown of position)

  6. Please provide the rental contracts executed between Forwarders and Cargo Terminal Operators

  7. Please note that the given table total does not reconcile the total in the table shown in article 1.3.2. Please clarify the discrepancy between two cargo statistics.

  8. Please confirm that AP1 will continue to deploy the referred Human Resources and shall not charge additional fee/levy for the Human Resources deployed at cargo terminals

  9. Commencement Date: Please confirm that the selected CTO shall commence operations within 6 months following the execution of cooperation contract (Perjanjian) with PT Angkasa Pura I

  10. Please confirm that "Company", Business Partner", "Selected Participants" are refer to same legal entity.

  11. Security Deposit : Please confirm that the amount shall be 6 months of Minimum Contribution proposed for the first year of Contract Term

  12. Please provide main specifications of referred semi-automated process

  13. Please confirm that APL and other cargo terminal operators, to be assigned in the future shall be charged by same revenue share proposed by selected cargo terminal operator in order to ensure fair play ground.

  14. Please confirm that APL and other cargo terminal operators, to be assigned in the future shall commit same minimum contribution proposed by selected cargo terminal operator in order to ensure fair play ground.

  15. Please confirm that APL and other cargo terminal operators, to be assigned in the future shall deliver same amount of security deposit proposed by selected cargo terminal operator in order to ensure fair play ground.

  16. Could it be possible to deliver the security deposit in the form of bank guarantee

  17. Please confirm that 100% of Security Deposit shall be refunded to company in case of early termination by the company without its default

  18. Please provide autocad drawings of the cargo terminals (new cargo terminal).

  19. Please note that the requested facilities in Article 3.2 does not match the table stated in the article. Can selected participants dismiss selected facilities (i.e pharma, fast track, human remains, etc) due to limitations of new international cargo and post terminal?

  20. Can we provide total capex commintment instead of stating an amount for respective investment item?

  21. Can we bundle some of the services or propose new services in tariffs?

  22. Please provide the envisaged timeline and tasks to be addressed between the issuance of Letter of Intent and execution of cooperation agreement (Annexure 6, Perjanjian)

  23. Please confirm that AP1 shall provide requested support in order to fulfillment of stated permits and certifications.

  24. Please confirm that selected cargo operator shall not be obliged to recruits the staff employed by existing operator of cargo terminals

  25. Please confirm that normal wear and tear shall be taken into consideration while returning the unit to PT Angkasa Pura I

  26. Please confirm that the new selected cargo terminal shall be allowed to use the previous infrasture as allowed to existion operator (in case it is the winner)

  27. Please provide the existing condition of the previous infrastracture . Is it in good condition? Does it reduce the quality of the business concept?

  28. Please provide the cost of interior and exterior belongings to the current operator

  29. Please confirm that foreign bidder is allowed to submit its proposal on its own

  30. Please confirm that foreign bidder shall not be obliged to establish consortium in order to submit proposal

  31. Please confirm that APL and new selected cargo terminal operator shall provide handling of international cargo and post at the airport.

  32. Please confirm that other than APL and new selected cargo terminal operator , there wont be a third operator at the airport which provides handling of international cargo and post at the airport.

  33. Please provide the utility charges to be applied at the airport

  34. Please provide the parking charges to be applied at the airport

  35. Please provide the other charges to be applied at the airport

  36. Please confirm that AP1 shall not impose rental charge for the Space

A : Jawaban

  1. the Cargo volume data submitted is correct, with commodity breakdown as stated in the RFP 1.4.3 as follows: General Cargo 76.61%, Marine Product 13.93 % , Perishable Cargo 4.47%, Live animal 0.94%, Dengerous Goods 0.57%, Special Cargo 0.25%, Valuable Cargo 0.22%, The increase in cargo volume is due to the development of industrial activities in East Java which is getting better

  2. Cargo data submitted in the RFP document includes postal or mail data

  3. Mail tonnage data is not separated in each year, in the AP I Cargo system it is Combined as dokument package data Domestic : 100% Handled by PT Angkasa Pura Logistik, Internasional : 80% Handled by PT JAS , 20% Handled by PT Angkasa Pura Logisitik

  4. Cargo Terminal Operator Employed staff is Branch Manager, Supervisor Administration Staff, Operational Employed (Acceptence, Checker, Porter, Aviatian Security,Cargo delevery,Forklift Driver, cashier)

  5. There is No rental Contracts excecuted between Forwarder and Cargo Terminal Operator, some Forwarder have Service Level Agreement (SLA) between The CTO and Forwarder regarding services,

  6. The amount for the Inter Cargo subtotal is the same, in 2019 it was 26,605,985 kg and in 2020 it was 12,580,754 kg

  7. we confirm that the HR provided by AP I is not an additional cost for the selected CTO.

  8. we confirm that the selected participants are required to start operating the Cargo and Postal Terminals starting from a maximum of 6 months after the handover of the Cargo and Postal Terminal Operations as outlined in the Operational Minutes of the Pandemic Recovery Period

  9. we confirm that "Company", Business Partner", "Selected Participants" is the same legal entity. 6 months͛ minimum contribution, During the pandemic business partners are subject to a security deposit equivalent to one month of the specified minimum contribution

  10. there are no special specifications, the important thing is to increase installed capacity, process efficiency, convenience for customer and releted Stakeholder

  11. confirm that APL and other cargo terminal operators, to be assigned in the future shall be charged by same revenue share proposed by selected cargo terminal operator in order to ensure fair play ground.

  12. confirm that APL and other cargo terminal operators, to be assigned in the future shall commit same minimum contribution proposed by selected cargo terminal operator in order to ensure fair play ground.

  13. confirm that APL and other cargo terminal operators, to be assigned in the future shall deliver same amount of security deposit proposed by selected cargo terminal operator in order to ensure fair play ground.

  14. security deposit can only be made through bank deposit or in the form of Stand by Letter of Credit (SLBC) as stated in the RFP Document Ref stated in the RFP in point

  15. The security deposit will be returned to the partner in the event of an accelerated termination of the agreement with the following conditions: a) A total of 35% (thirty five percent) of the total value of the security deposit or other determined contributions, is returned to the business partner after deducting the payment obligations that are still owned by the partner. business partners b) As much as 65% (sixty five percent) of the total value of the security deposit or other determined contributions, belongs to the company as a penalty to business partners (as compensation for potential loss of profits) experienced by the company.

  16. We only provide an area of ​​3249.91 m2 which is tendered for the layout determined by the selection participants because this is an assessment in the selection.

  17. selected participant to develop a facility which contains all facilities stated in article 3.2

  18. yes the selection CTO Participants can provide total capex commintment , But the selection Participants are still required to submit the total amount of respective investment item allowed, but related to fixed tariffs referring to applicable regulations and in accordance with the agreement with service users.

  19. the period between the issuance of the Letter of Intent (LOI) and the execution of the agreement is a transition period which will begin on the 30th day after the API notification letter to the existing CTO.

  20. The said transition period is valid no later than 5 (months) as of the start date of the transition period.

  21. AP1 shall provide requested support in order to fulfillment of stated permits and certifications.

  22. AP I will support paperwork/administration according to the rules

  23. We Confirm that selected cargo operator shall not be obliged to recruits the staff employed by existing operator of cargo terminals

  24. We Confirm that Normal wear and tear shall be taken into consideration while returning the unit to PT Angkasa Pura I

  25. we confirm that API provides Building and utilities

  26. the existing condition of the Cargo Terminal infrastracture in Juanda - Surabaya Airport is a new building,which the building was only completed in 2021

  27. this includes confidential information from existing partners. Selection participants are requested to be able to estimate according to their needs.

  28. Under the Consortium's statement of intent from Celebi, it was stated that Celebi will submit a consortium agreement regarding the Indonesian consortium partner for this Selection at the RFP Stage;

  29. In addition to that, regarding submission of proposals for foreign companies, please refer to RFQ Document Part 4.3.1.o.1.c) and RFP Document Part 11.10 which states that Foreign Companies must form a consortium when submitting proposal documents (RFP Stage), and proposals must be submitted simultaneously in the case of a consortium.

  30. Prospective participants are only allowed to submit one proposal for each selection package

  31. We confirm that APL and new selected cargo terminal operator shall provide handling of international cargo and post at the airport.

  32. yes, APL and new selected cargo terminal operator , which provides handling of international cargo and post at the airport.

  33. There wont be a third operator at the Airport

  34. The utility charges to be applied at the airport added 15% of usage fee Motorcycle :

Rp. 5000/12 Hours, >12-24 hours Rp. 35.000,- , lost ticket Rp. 75.000,-

4 Whell Car :

Rp. 10000 for first Hours, every next hour up to 5 hours Rp. 3.000,-, >5-12 hours Rp. 25.000,- , >12 - 24 hours Rp. 100.000,- lost ticket Rp. 150.000,-

6 Wheel Car :

Rp. 12.000 for first Hours, every next hour up to 5 hours Rp. 4.000,-, >5-12 hours Rp. 50.000,- , >12 - 24 hours Rp. 120.000,- lost ticket Rp. 150.000,-

  1. Airport Pass fees from OTBAN/Airport Regulator/Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) for employees and vehicles, other needs will be adjusted to the needs request of the selected CTO

  2. API Confirm that no space rent impose to the CTO selected