Southport Central School


An “assessment system” is a coordinated collection of assessments administered to students that, as a whole, provides information on individual students, the school, and the school administrative unit with respect to student achievement of the content standards of the system of Learning Results.

The purpose of the assessment system is to provide information that will be used to monitor student progress toward proficiency and meet the needs of individual students; inform instruction and curriculum; enable school administrators to make informed determinations regarding the quality and effectiveness of the educational program and the need for professional development; provide the State with student achievement data; inform parents of student progress; and enable to Board to make informed decisions related to allocation of resources.

The Superintendent will be responsible for implementing Southport Central School’s assessment system. The Superintendent shall be responsible for ensuring that the assessment system is in compliance with applicable statutes and Maine Department of Education rules. The Board expects that there will be input from teachers and administrators in the development and refinement of the assessment system.

Legal Reference: 20-A M.R.S.A. §§ 4722-A; 6201-6202-B

Me. DOE Rule Ch. 127

Cross Reference:

ADF – School System Commitment to Learning Results

IKE – Promotion and Retention of Students

Adopted: 6-10-19