Media Relations

SubSection: KDD

Boothbay Region Schools

Code: KDD


Because the school system is a public institution endeavoring to serve the educational needs of the community, it is important that information be disseminated concerning activities and problems in our schools. In order to have a common effort and purpose, the following procedures shall be followed in giving official information to the news media:

A. The School Committee chair shall be the official spokesperson for the School Committee, except as this duty is delegated to the superintendent.

B. News releases which are of a system-wide nature or pertain to established policy are the responsibility of the superintendent or a member of the administrative staff whom he/she may designate.

C. News releases which are of concern to only one school, or to an organization of one school, are the responsibility of the principal of that particular school.

While it is impossible to predict how news releases will be treated by the press, every possible effort should be made to obtain coverage of school activities which will create and maintain a dignified and professionally responsible image for the school system.

Adopted: 8-11-94