Public Information and Communications

SubSection: KD

Boothbay Region Schools

Code: KD


Adequate public support is dependent upon the maintenance of informed public opinion. Opinions are formed on the basis of available information or the lack of it. It will be the policy of the School Committee to maintain a continuing information program for compiling and distributing news of events, noteworthy facts, statistics, plans and forecasts necessary to the creation of an interested and informed public.

Meeting the needs of the community and gaining the support to meet those needs depend upon the two-way communication between the School Committee and the community. The School Committee, therefore, encourages the use of means for enabling the community to make known its desires and the School Committee to make known its plans and actions.

The School Committee delegates to the superintendent authority for implementing a systematic communications program. The unit's communication program should:

A. Encourage a better understanding of the goals, needs and accomplishments of the total educational program;

B. Be a planned, systematic, two-way process between the schools and the community;

C. Include the use of a variety of media such as meetings, letters, circulars, publications and personal contacts; and

D. Provide the communication channels necessary for resolving grievances and eliminating misunderstandings.


Adopted: 8-11-94