Community Involvement in Decision Making

SubSection: KCB

Boothbay Region Schools

Code: KCB


The School Committee endorses the concept that community participation is essential if the school district and community are to maintain mutual trust and respect regarding the education of students. Therefore, the School Committee, directly and through its administrative and instructional staff, intends that positive efforts be made to listen to the desires of the community and to be responsive to those desires.

Two-way communication can be accomplished by district and individual school public information programs and by having formal advisory councils for each school. Informal means of receiving comment should also be utilized. Residents who are specifically qualified because of interest, experience, training or profession should be encouraged to assume an active role in our schools.

It is the policy of the School Committee that new educational programs, proposed new construction, and any other major changes in our schools will be discussed in public at a regular School Committee meeting and/or at Community Forums.

Moreover, parent involvement is encouraged through both traditional and non-traditional methods such as "room parents", volunteers in classrooms, and parent-teacher organizations. When appropriate, surveys and/or questionnaires to receive suggestions and concerns may be used.

While striving to assure community involvement in decision-making, it is recognized that the ultimate responsibility of the elected School Committee is to provide lay governance of the schools as prescribed by state law.

Adopted: 9-28-94