Students of Legal Age

SubSection: JID

Boothbay Region Schools


All students of the school system, including students in regular classes who have reached the age of 18, students in the adult education program, and any post-secondary students attending the high schools, shall observe all the rules and regulations established by School Committee policy or the school administration for all students unless special exceptions have been made.

The adult status of students over the legal emancipation age of 18 shall be honored by school personnel in respect to their rights to assume certain responsibilities and authority granted only the parents of younger students.

Eighteen-year-old students have full adult rights regarding access to and use of their school records. All students, regardless of age, are required to provide parent and/or guardian's signatures on all documents that require a parent/guardian's signature. Exceptions may be permitted if the student does not live at home or for other valid reasons after consulting with the principal and/or guidance counselor.

Legal Reference: TITLE 20A MRSA SEC. 5051

Cross Reference:


Adopted: AUGUST 17, 1994

Revised: SEPTEMBER 28, 1994