School Day

SubSection: ID

Boothbay Region Schools


This school system exists to provide education to the children and young people who reside within the unit. The essence of this education is primarily attained through the direct contact of competent teachers with eager students in the teaching-learning setting. It is the intent of the School Committee that the maximum optimal instructional time for each age level within the student body be provided during every typical school day.

The "instructional day" is not considered to include homeroom periods, opening exercises, recess, lunch, passing times, activity periods, band practice, intramural, other extracurricular activities and such like. Exceptions shall only be made with the approval of the superintendent. The number of school days shall meet or exceed the state requirement and be set annually by this School Committee and be included in the school calendar. Abbreviated days to be included for in-service, conferences, etc., shall be kept to a minimum.

The hours and minutes shall be equal to or greater than the requirements of Maine State School Law.

Legal Reference: TITLE 20A MRSA SEC. 4801

Adopted: August 17, 1994