Special Use of Buses - Field Trips

SubSection: EEAFA

Boothbay Region Schools


The School Committee believes in the educational benefits of curriculum connected field trips and agrees that such field trips can promote learning and foster better attitudes toward school, curriculum and the learning process.

Further, the School Committee intends to support the use of meaningful field trips within the financial restrictions imposed on it, but does not acknowledge any requirement to provide such activities.

Within the funds provided, approved field trips within a 65-mile radius will be paid for by the school system (excluding entrance fees and lunches). Approved field trips outside a 65-mile radius will have the first 130 miles paid for by the school system. The remaining driver time, tolls and mileage will be paid for by the user group at the current rate.

Overnight field trips, those outside a 65-mile radius and those which are outside the State of Maine, require the approval of the superintendent. The superintendent shall inform the School Committee of the field trips that are overnight, out of state or outside a 65-mile radius.

Field trips will be allowed within the above policy and according to any established administrative guidelines.

Adopted: JUNE 11, 1986

Revised: AUGUST 17, 1994