Evaluation of Superintendent

SubSection: CBI

Boothbay Region Schools


Only by open communication and mutual understanding of expectations can the superintendent and School Committee achieve a working relationship essential to the operation of a successful school system The purpose of the evaluation of the superintendent is two fold: first, to determine the ability of the superintendent to carry out his/her assigned responsibilities; and second, to establish and carry out agreed upon goals and objectives.

The School Committee and the superintendent will meet annually in October in executive session for the purpose of evaluating the superintendent's performance in relation to the goals and objectives established for the year. (NOTE: the purpose of establishing specific employment goals and objectives is intended to assist the superintendent and Committee to establish priorities for action. Failure to accomplish certain employment goals and/or objectives is not intended, necessarily, to connote failure on the part of the superintendent in his/her position.)

Mutually agreed upon goals and objectives for the upcoming school year shall be established prior to September 1 in conjunction with overall district goals and objectives.

The School Committee and superintendent shall meet in December in executive session in accordance with MRSA Title 20A, Section 1051.2.

Adopted: 6-11-1986

Revised: 8-17-1994