THIRD GRADE Daily Schedule

8:00am: Morning Meeting

8:20am: W.I.N (what I need) Time (G.E.I/small group support work)

8:40am: Math

9:40am: Snack

9:50am: Special

10:30am: Science / Social Studies

11:05am: Recess

11:35am: Lunch

12:00pm: Quiet Time

12:20pm: Literacy

1:20pm: Writing

1:50: Closing Circle

2:04: Dismissal

Mrs. Willett’s 

Third Grade Specials

Monday: Computer with Mrs. Streznewski

Tuesday: Music with Mrs. Whitney

Wednesday: Gym with Mrs. Tyler- Please be sure to wear or bring sneakers. 

Thursday: Library with Mr. Goss- Your child may borrow books to take home each week. Please return it by the following Thursday so that your child may borrow new books.


Friday:  Art with Ms. Kipp