Our Bachillerato courses are available for our 8th - 12th Graders

Distance Learning Program Courses

June 14th - July 9th


Sociología (Ms. Dominga Gross)

Open to Rising 8th - 12th Graders

8 - 10 am

This course is conducted in Spanish.El presente curso propone el análisis y comprensión del surgimiento y desarrollo de la sociología, su importancia científica, así como los aportes de los principales representantes de esta ciencia. Se reflexiona sobre la importancia de la estructura social y sus diversas manifestaciones. Posteriormente se estudia, compara y contrasta el desarrollo de las sociedades en el transcurso de la historia. Finalmente se realiza el estudio de la cultura nacional y política en la sociedad nicaragüense promoviendo así las acciones que fortalecen y promocionan la identidad cultural, el respeto a los diversos grupos que conforman nuestra sociedad, su sistema político y el rol de los poderes del estado.

Filosofia (Ms. Dominga Gross)

Open to Rising 8th - 12th Graders

10 am - 12 pm

This course is conducted in Spanish. El presente curso introduce al estudiante en el pensamiento y los conocimientos filosóficos en la interpretación y función liberadora de la Filosofía como ciencia, para una mejor compresión de la realidad que le permita la búsqueda y solución a los problemas que enfrenta en su vida diaria. Se reflexiona e Interpreta con una actitud crítica y reflexiva, los diferentes ámbitos y campos de estudio de la filosofía, a partir de la comprensión de la realidad. Posteriormente se conduce al razonamiento filosófico y el método científico en la búsqueda y adquisición de nuevos saberes al enfrentar diversas situaciones de la vida cotidiana. Finalmente se estudian los comportamientos y acciones responsables frente a los problemas éticos, morales y estéticos al contribuir al mejoramiento en la vida personal, familiar y comunitaria.

Geografia III (Mr. Luis Castellón)

Open to Rising 9th - 12th Graders who have completed Geografía II

12:30 pm - 2:30 pm

This course is conducted in Spanish. It is the third level of Geography in which students deepen their geographical reasoning with respect to Nicaragua’s location and resources. Issues of resource conservation and consequences of economic activities offer students an introduction to human geography within this particular context.

Cívica III (Mr. Luis Castellón)

Open to Rising 9th - 12th Graders who have completed Geografía e Historia II

2:30 pm - 4:30 pm

This course is conducted in Spanish. Civics III focuses on the following national curriculum standards (as translated from Spanish): Our National Identity, Our Magna Carta, Road Safety, Responsible Consumption and Tax Payment, My Rights and Responsibilities and Constructing Our Democracy.

Art 1 (Ms. Kathia Chica)

Open to Rising 8th - 12th Graders who have not yet completed Art I

8 - 10 am

We begin Art I focusing on drawing skills. Because students enter the class with a broad range of abilities, each student is encouraged to build on what he or she already knows. We also explore color theory, composition, abstraction, collage and other contemporary art practices. Tasks are designed for the promotion of making art intuitively and building creativity.

Photography (Ms. Kathia Chica)

10 am - 12 pm

Geografía II (Ms. Thelma Flores)

Open to Rising 8th - 12th Graders who have completed Geografía e Historia I

12:30 - 2:30 pm

This course is conducted in Spanish. This course explores the vast and varied land assets, population trends and economic

activities related to natural resources across the Americas. Students will develop and

demonstrate geographical reasoning skills and will deepen their exposure to human


Historia II (Ms. Thelma Flores)

Open to Rising 8th - 12th Graders who have completed Geografía e Historia I

2:30 - 4:30 pm

This course is conducted in Spanish. This course constructs a timeline, highlighting those commonalities and differences across the Americas, beginning with the rich legacy of indigenous societies through the nationalist tendencies of the late 20th century. Students will develop and demonstrate historical thinking skills and an understanding of civic participation across these contexts.

*All for credit courses are $350 per course.

On Campus Courses


College Algebra (Mr. Miguel Aragón)

*Concurrent: DLP & On-Campus

June 14th - July 8th | Monday - Thursday | 9 - 11 am | $325

*Our courses have limited capacity. Once courses are full, you may still register to be added on a waiting list for if and when courses become available.