
creator: xavier castillo

Basic Information

Full Name: TimeKeeper

Age: 11

Date of Birth: February 15th, 2008

Gender: Male

Skin Color: Light Tan

Hair Color: Black

Race: Latino

Language(s): English

Origin/Heritage: Mexico & California

Defining Qualities

Superhero Quality: Fearless

TimeKeeper helps people even though he is scared.

Saint Quality: Joyful

TimeKeeper likes to plant flowers and go to the orphanage to make kids happy.

Creator Quality: Style

TimeKeeper takes time out of his day to give the homeless nice clothes so they could look as good as TimeKeeper.


Control Time

TimeLeeper can make time fast slow or stop.


When TimeKeeper plays guitar, he can hypnotize people and they have to do what TimeKeeper says.

Salsa Power

TimeKeeper can shoot salsa out of his hands and burn his enemy's mouths.